Feather Loss- Raining HELP


Dec 25, 2020
My chicken got attacked in her coop last night and woke up to feathers everywhere. She has a huge bare spot and her tail feather only has one big feather. My main worry currently is it is very cold and rainy and puddles everywhere. How can I keep her from getting sick and what can i do! Desperate!!
Pictured - those are some of the feathers, hen in picture is sitting on eggs (not hurt chicken)
do i put the flock in the garage? but can't leave door open because of rain. I'm so worried!!!
Do you know what attacked her and how it got in? If there is any doubt about the security of the coop I would not keep them in there another night because predators will come back.

If you are just worried about the cold and the attacked chicken just has a bald spot and is otherwise unhurt I think she'll be fine, but if you're really worried there is no harm in keeping her inside for the night.
Do you know what attacked her and how it got in? If there is any doubt about the security of the coop I would not keep them in there another night because predators will come back.

If you are just worried about the cold and the attacked chicken just has a bald spot and is otherwise unhurt I think she'll be fine, but if you're really worried there is no harm in keeping her inside for the night.
I kept her inside last night, she kept shaking. And I closed the door to the coop and reopened it last night... How long do you think I should keep doing this? There has been an issue with pecking- 8 hens no roosters- they were all supposed to be americaunas and olive eggers but two of them are not the same. Their crowns are bigger then the others. I'm assuming they assume those two are alphas. One of them being the crier and most talkative and crows in the am as if she were a rooster... well not crow but yells more so lol. I also have blink system surrounding the area including in their coop which tells me temperature as well as movement... Two nights ago (when it happened) the system was disarmed for some reason. If it's because of the pecking order does anyone have a good recommendation for a coop that actually comfortably holds 8 chickens? This one was built not purchased from a store. Pic of coop to come

So question- how long should I be keeping the door closed?
If it's within the coop
She's not going to die from a bald spot.
First order of business is to make sure your coop is safe fit your birds.
Not afraid of her dying from a bald spot. Afraid of the wind chill and wet feathers and her shivering constantly. With cold weather and chills, comes diseases. That is not something I'd like to consider. Also She is lighter in weight compared to most of them.
Not afraid of her dying from a bald spot. Afraid of the wind chill and wet feathers and her shivering constantly. With cold weather and chills, comes diseases. That is not something I'd like to consider. Also She is lighter in weight compared to most of them.
She'll be ok, you have plastic on your coop so she can get out of the weather. There's not a lot of vital area around the rump. As long as she's healthy everywhere else, she'll be fine and theres nothing to worry about.
chickens are outdoor animals and pretty hardy.
I kept her inside last night, she kept shaking. And I closed the door to the coop and reopened it last night... How long do you think I should keep doing this? There has been an issue with pecking- 8 hens no roosters- they were all supposed to be americaunas and olive eggers but two of them are not the same. Their crowns are bigger then the others. I'm assuming they assume those two are alphas. One of them being the crier and most talkative and crows in the am as if she were a rooster... well not crow but yells more so lol. I also have blink system surrounding the area including in their coop which tells me temperature as well as movement... Two nights ago (when it happened) the system was disarmed for some reason. If it's because of the pecking order does anyone have a good recommendation for a coop that actually comfortably holds 8 chickens? This one was built not purchased from a store. Pic of coop to come

So question- how long should I be keeping the door closed?
If it's within the coop
Pictures of your coop and setup will be helpful as I'm not sure I'm understanding. Between the huge amount of feathers and the fact that your hen seems traumatized I'd say either a predator got into the coop or you have a serious bully issue. If you can get a pet cam set up inside the coop that would tell you for sure what was going on. If you have one or two bully hens you could try keeping them separate from the rest of the flock for a week so they lose their top status, but they may very well just peck their way to the top again. How much space do the birds have and do they get to free range or are they cooped up all day every day? Adding things like boxes, dividers, or extra roosts in the coop might help by providing space where the bullied hen can escape unwanted attention. Multiple feeders and waterers might also be necessary to make sure everyone gets to eat.
My chicken got attacked in her coop last night and woke up to feathers everywhere. She has a huge bare spot and her tail feather only has one big feather. My main worry currently is it is very cold and rainy and puddles everywhere.

I kept her inside last night, she kept shaking. And I closed the door to the coop and reopened it last night... How long do you think I should keep doing this?

Afraid of the wind chill and wet feathers and her shivering constantly.
Please post some photos of the hen that was attacked, her bald spot and her poop.

You've mentioned twice that she's shaking/shivering. Where do you have her? Is she in a warmer area that is secured and is still shivering?
She may be in shock if she was attacked. Give her warmed sugar water or electrolytes.
Re-inspect her for any injuries that may be hidden under the feathers. If you find any, take photos of those too.
Once she's drinking, then see if she will eat some wet feed.

While you are at it, please post photos of the coop/run/housing. It's a bit unclear what you mean about leaving doors open or closed? Have you figured out how whatever attacked your hen was able to get into the coop? If you have not addressed that issue, then whatever got to her will attempt to get to others. Could she have been attacked by other chickens?

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