Feather lover farms Hawaiian chickens. How are they? What are they?

Most of that must be for shipping. Some wiley entrepreneur must be going about the island picking up baby chicks, slapping them in a box and loading them on a plane! :lau
Great deal for a hen who will only give you 30 eggs per year, hop any fence to make her nest in the neighbors yard to hide her eggs and go broody every 4 months lol. What a novel chicken. Oh, and go nuts when broody like you won't believe and carry the wildness for many watered-down generations. And then there are the boys.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Most of that must be for shipping. Some wiley entrepreneur must be going about the island picking up baby chicks, slapping them in a box and loading them on a plane! :lau
No, that's a typical price. My Ketwas were 89 each before the sale I got them in. Mareks is a cover all of 39 for all the birds. I think shipping was another 29 or so? But they add extras and packing peanuts if you only order a few
Has anybody bought this landrace from FLF? How have they done for you?
** I live Kauai in the land of ferals

I have adopted feral chicks and raised, also have had a slew of them visit me through the decades and then years of me keeping domestic chooks. My good pal is currently raising 3 as domestic.

They are cute, loyal and wild at heart- to the core. Resourceful. Crafty. Rather sleep in your trees and prefer warm to cold.
Be prepared for crazy in the head broody broody broody. And once gone broody... will want to go broody 3-4 times a year. And flighty. Your gunna have to lock them in or just except their hopping fences and making nests... and coming home with babies if fertile. You will get 30-50 very light beige eggs per year on the smaller side of medium.
If you are looking for a novel chicken you will get a kick out of them.

Boys have beautiful color and are fierce. Part gamefowl mixed in there. I've had to shoot more than my fair share of those bad boys as they can be relentless once honed in on a challenge. To the death more so than our domestics. Last week I picked a young feral cockerel up off my pasture from a fight he lost. He was bludgeoned and did not survive. Roosters are relentless.
High pitched crow, thin, NICE colors.
Hand raised all will be friendly at first but more skittish. Resourceful and wild will show as they age. Very hardy.
** I live Kauai in the land of ferals

I have adopted feral chicks and raised, also have had a slew of them visit me through the decades and then years of me keeping domestic chooks. My good pal is currently raising 3 as domestic.

They are cute, loyal and wild at heart- to the core. Resourceful. Crafty. Rather sleep in your trees and prefer warm to cold.
Be prepared for crazy in the head broody broody broody. And once gone broody... will want to go broody 3-4 times a year. And flighty. Your gunna have to lock them in or just except their hopping fences and making nests... and coming home with babies if fertile. You will get 30-50 very light beige eggs per year on the smaller side of medium.
If you are looking for a novel chicken you will get a kick out of them.

Boys have beautiful color and are fierce. Part gamefowl mixed in there. I've had to shoot more than my fair share of those bad boys as they can be relentless once honed in on a challenge. To the death more so than our domestics. Last week I picked a young feral cockerel up off my pasture from a fight he lost. He was bludgeoned and did not survive. Roosters are relentless.
High pitched crow, thin, NICE colors.
Hand raised all will be friendly at first but more skittish. Resourceful and wild will show as they age. Very hardy.View attachment 3390754View attachment 3390744
Wow, they sound like amazing birds. They are now definitely on my wishlist of breeds and landraces to get when I'm older. DO you have any other breeds to recommend? Also how many are in your area? Would it be possible in the future if you could send some to the mainland?

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