Feather Regeneration Question


Anachronistic Anomaly
11 Years
May 11, 2011
West Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
As I've mentioned before, our BA and our cockerel are very close. Last month, we put a hen saddle on her because she had developed a bald patch on her left hip. She's never around him without the saddle any more, but as of last evening, the bald patch is as bald as it was a month ago. No sign of pin feathers or regrowth of any kind. Just smooth skin, which looked very healthy, but was entirely naked. How long should it take until she regrows her feathers? I had thought it'd only be a few weeks before they started coming back in.

She's two weeks shy of exactly one year old. She (and the rest of the flock) are fed Purina Flock Raiser crumbles, which we mix oyster shell and cooked egg shells into for calcium. They also get mixed grain scratch in the mornings, get to free range most evenings and a majority of the day on weekends, plus they get all cooked meat and whatever vegetable scraps come out of our kitchen (except those items we know to be bad for them like avocados). So they should be getting plenty of protein, but still no signs of new feathers.

It will be some sooner then a molt but not much (many months it seems here), unless they are lucky enough to lose feather right before molt... Mine are in FL with no additional light- so that may factor in also.
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