feathers everywhere


11 Years
Jun 13, 2010
Admire, KS
My 9 week olds are shedding small feathers everywhere. The coop is littered with them and the run has feathers stuck in the wires. They aren't looking shabby or anything, there are just lots of small feathers. Is this the normal dropping of baby feathers? Somehow I had the idea that it wouldn't be for a few more weeks.

I have started letting them free range in the yard for 45 minutes to an hour at a time a couple of times a day. They are flying in short bursts and feathers seem to be in the air at that time too. I'm really new at this, and I want to be sure there isn't something I should be doing differently. Most of the feathers are white so they are coming from my Delawares or the one EE (she's all white), but there are some brown feathers, too.

reassurance anyone?
My adult birds are starting to molt and when I went into one of the coops the other day, I was sure something had gotten in and eaten one.....

There were feathers everywhere!!!! But everyone was alive and accounted for, some of them alot lighter than they were the day before.
It's called a juvenile molt. Chicks will grow three different sets of feathers before they mature. The first is as they feather out, usually finished about 4 to 5 weekls old. A few weeks later they molt and grow new feathers to match their growing body. Then they do it again a little before they reach "maturity" size, say 12 to 14 weeks old. Perfectly natural.

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