Feathers on Buff Orpingtons Legs?


11 Years
Jun 28, 2008
Northern Kentucky
I noticed today that Blondie has little pokey feathers on the outside of her legs. Is that normal for Buff Orpingtons?



Well I am NOT sure it a pure BO. I bought all my chicks ( a mix) from Mt Healthy Hatchery up in Cinci Oh. I had assumed they were pure BO. But then one of the Light Brahmas may or may not be a White Cochin....see this post.


Heck I am not even sure it IS a girl. Could be an old hairy legged boy.
It does like to get up in my lap and cuddle. Very sweet bird.

No I had not wanted to show birds. So I am ok there.
let me just say that mine do not have feathers on their legs...not the full buff orps. I have some mixed with cochins and they do have lots of feathers on their feet and legs.
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that isn't normal for any breed that isn't featherfooted
you aren't going to show him are you? because that is a disqualification.
If I see those saddle feathers are pointed in the first pic, I am certain it is a roo.

Its a no no if they got featherings on Buff Orps!
It can happen rarely..its the Cochen coming out of the bird...Wouldn't recommend breeding it. Great bird for the backyard.. EweSheep I agree... roo/cockerel from what i can see..saddle feathers and tiny spurs....

Birds used in the making of the buff orpington::

Gold Spangled Hamburgh Buff Cochin

Dark Dorking
Buff Cochin

=Buff Orpington

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