

10 Years
Jun 10, 2009
My ducks are about six weeks old and they have already grown feathers in from their baby fuzz
but now I am seeing a lot of feathers in the brooder floating around. Why is this and is it normal?
I don't know the answer to your question, but my ducks are coming up on that age, and I will be following this thread to find out the answer!
I hope somone answers that knows for us. I am new to ducks and am not really for sure on this but he is okay in every other respect. Maybe it is because he doesn't get to swim EVERY day and lose those feathers during that time? My other duck does this too but not to the same extent.
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Ducks seem to go through a lot of feathers as they grow up. Sometimes it seems like enough for three moults before they have their adult feathers. If he seems normal otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it.

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