Feathery dreams

I killed it!!!
Not yet dead!!!!
Ok let's keep the naughty dreams out of the thread if you don't mind, let's not get banned.
Well I'm not sure if I have been in another humans dream before, but I was my dog in a dream before. I ran and ran and never got out of breath which I was very amazed with, I sniffed low hanging flowers at a fence and everything was seen from a dogs perspective. I have also been various forest animals in my dreams. I have been told that shamans would consider me a shape shifter.
A few nights go I had a FREAKY dream. I could do this weird thing with my eyes (it looked like the pinwheel galaxy spinning very fast, random right?) and I was swimming around in a huge aquarium. For no reason whatsoever I started doing that thing with my eyes. Then I did something really bad (don't remember what) and I was banished into a painting. My eyes were permanently in that weird eye thing and I had 3 horns on my head (one on the top and one on each side bu not on the back), the painting was animated and all of the people around me were speaking French (random again). At first my head was sticking out a window and then it morphed into a human skull but I still had my body! Is that not weird?!
Wow that is an amazing dream, seems very symbolic, the thing with the painting actually reminds me of the elder scrolls game, there was a quest where you go inside a painting. The spinning is very interesting, do you remember what direction it was spinning in? Not to get all new agey here(I' m a curious skeptic to everything), but there are theories about the spinning. When I meditate I feel like I spin into 3 directions at once, the first time I did that I fell out of my chair. lol But also in science it is significant thing, double helix, water etc. Not sure about the horns, but 3 is usually some sort of balance and the skull in general is a symbol for knowledge. You know skull=brain=knowledge. But you know yourself best and it may mean something completely different to you.
Very very interesting!
About when I was 3 I had a dream about a rhinoceros coming itno the house. My mother was on the phone and didn't take any notice of it. And I was SCARED!
Also around when I was 2 I had a dream about my mother trying to put a pacifier in my mouth. (My mother says I hated pacifiers when I was a baby, weird right?)

About 2 months ago I had a VERY spiritual dream. (You see we live in South Carolina, and don't have much money, yet we want to move to Nebraska. Also note that we're Catholic.)
So the dream:

We were in SC, as usual, doing usual stuff. Then we started to stop going to confesion, mass, ect. Then the devil made a deal with us: If we get farther away from God, he'll give us our dream land(a peice of land in Nebraska that we REEEAAALLLYY want) So, we stupidly and sadly accepted. Then all of the sudden, we were there. Very happy the first day, yet slowly demons started coming on our land, and our land started dissapearing, very slowly. It turns out the land was just a vision the devil put in our minds. And we became very depressed and my father and brother nearly became possesed. And the mental and spiritual pain was so much. Our land became firey and dark. The pain became over bearing. So I knelt down on my knees, and prayed to God: "Lord, please, take the demons away! Put us back in our real home! Please! Lord! We're sorry for sinning!"
And then it all went back to normal, and I woke up.

For Christmas someone gave me a mini Dream Catcher, so I put it near my bed, and ever since then all my dream finished. Now that is weird, :hmm
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