FEB incubation experience -JULY update - BLK. ORP & EE *new pics*

I didn't know that it shouldn't be used in still air incubation. Can anyone else give any insight on this??

I have my eggs (BBS Orps from MissPrissy!) in my LG still air in egg cartons too
I set mine on the 7th, and I just candled them. All of them have veining except 2, which I still consider those iffy.

So, the egg carton in the still air must not be all that bad!
YEA!!!! Thank you! I thought that I had read on here that someone else had done this.

Congratulations on your eggs! So, you are 1 week ahead of me. Do you have a thread about your eggs? I would love to follow it and see your babies!
One of our bators has trays, not egg holders like the LG or Hova.
We use egg cartons to hold the eggs into place for the entire incubation
cycle. That bator is forced air but I don't see why it wouldn't work
in still air.

Eggs should be turned from side to side so just lean the eggs in the carton.
Don't put them directly up and down.
OK riddle me this. In a still air incubator you measure your temperature at the top of the eggs, right? Know why? Because heat rises. Inside a still air incubator its cooler at the bottom and warmer at the top. So to get the eggs at the proper temperature in a still air incubator you measure it at the top of the eggs.

So... which top of the eggs are you going to measure your temperature at? The top top or the bottom top? If you use the top top then the bottom eggs will be too cool, and if you use the bottom top then the top eggs will be too warm. See what I mean? That's why I don't think its a good idea to use the carton turning method in a still air incubator.
I see what you are saying. It doesn't appear from the pictures that
DP is lifting the entire egg carton but leaning the eggs over. That means
the tops of the eggs should be at the same level.

Just to clarify....the first picture with the eggs in the carton is just them sitting out to come to room temperature. That is not the egg carton that I used in the incubator. The one that I used, I cut the bottom out of each section that the egg goes in. It may not look like it in the picture, but the eggs are really tilted to the side. Then when I turn them, I make sure they are all tilted to the other side. Should I be doing something else? *Remember, I am new to this.
Oh! If you are leaving the carton level and just tilting the eggs from side to side, please disregard my rant. Usually the carton turning method involves using a block under the side of the carton and tilting the whole thing back and forth.
Yes, that is exactly what I am doing. I was confused too. I didn't realize that is usually involves using a brick. hmmm., that's interesting.

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