FEB incubation experience -JULY update - BLK. ORP & EE *new pics*

your welcome have fun I have 9 more days to wait
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I still just have 1 pip. The pip has grown a little today. I have a couple of eggs that are movin' - I wouldn't say rockin', but movin'.

Uncle I cave, give in, surrender ! ! !

where are the pictures ?

also MP or anyone else I candled my one egg today and I saw movement and everything is perfect but there is one thing that concerns me. this chick(s) seems to be a lot bigger than I remember them being at day 12. could it possibly be a double yoker the egg is the same size that I always get. or is it just this incubation craziness hoping that I will get two chicks for the price of one egg. lol. it is probably just one big baby girl

girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl
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i dont know if it is a double yoker but size of regular egg i doubt it will make it as there wont be enough room and one of them will be forced into air sack and there wil be no air for when they are born, so i would hope for just 1 to be in there it will be alot safer for you
I have a chick!
This is the one that pipped this morning. She is an EE chick! So from pip to hatch took about 13 hours.

I have another pip in one of the EE eggs! WooHoo! So, 5 more to go!
I'm a little confused as to what you are asking. What day are you on. If you checked it at day 12, and now, the chick should be bigger. It's going to grow so much that it takes up the whole egg. I suggest searching online for embryo development chart, it would help to research how the embryo grows.
Sorry! Actually I did sleep last night. I am glad I did. But this morning I have 2 pips! One is another EE and I have my first pip in one of my BBS Orpingtons! I can't wait to see the BBS Orp chick!
I have 5 eggs left to pip! Come on chickies!!!

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