FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long, come join in!!

How long have they been turning since when you should have stopped them? If no more than 12 hours, I believe they're fine.

I should have taken them off the turner yesterday at 4pm, I took them off this morning around 11. Hopefully they're okay anyway...
I bought 12+ (received 18) Columbian Rock eggs. Very excited since there seems to be NONE in the State of Texas. Anyway - received the 18 eggs on the 21st of Jan. Put them in the incubator on the 22nd and they are due on the 12of of Feb. I candled them all for the first time last night and I have 12 good, 1 questionable and 5 were still clear looking. Not bad for :
1. shipped eggs
2. my first attempt at incubation
3. using the "red-headed step child" Little Giant Incubator!
Ok, 28 eggs on lockdown....


By tomorrow morning I bet there will be a whole lot more seats in there...

Hey everyone... I am looking to replace my digital thermometer, what is the best thermometer to replace it with? I've noticed mine is off and it varies a lot from what the glass one says... I want to know what everyone else is using... a GOOD reliable one... thanks!!!
I just received my eggs today, this is the first time I have bought shipped eggs and haven't used the incubator in probably 6 years.
I have had it running for several days now and all seems well.
Just started a breeding project of my own, but sadly they are still in their teenager phase.... If they were grown and laying I would definitely be hatching something.
Day 6: Looks like 8 of 12 shipped BCM eggs are good so far!
Fingers (and toes) crossed.

I asked this in another thread, but should I order some chicks that will be born around the same time as mine, in case I only have 1 or 2 hatch?

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