FED UP with Impy!! Where can I buy a rooster leash?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I'm trying to be patient with my turken cockerel, Impy. I've dealt with testosterone poisoning before, both the human version and the chicken one.
This evening he was in rare form. He was trying to mate a dog toy for goodness sake! All the pullets are steering clear of him. When they can't, it doesn't matter how much they scream he hangs on and is ripping feathers out left and right. Come roost time, he's trying to keep everyone from going into the coop.

He's either going into cage or on a leash until he can starts behaving a bit better or my brahma roo teaches him a lesson; whichever comes first.
Where can I buy a leash online?
Use a piece of baling twine (like what's on a hay bale) and tie it around his leg above his spur. You can use a piece of something 'soft' (leather or whatever) under the twine so it doesn't rub his leg. Instant (almost) rooster lead.
This is the one that was named Rosie right??
See i told you that you were gonna damage him with that sissy name... *sigh*
Thanks Shelley. Using the right combination of keywords - rooster tether - I found an awesome PDF page with clear, concise directions for making one.

Using the first set of keywords I thought of - rooster leash - I found some awesome rooster decorations for my kitchen.
Yes Red, Impy the roo formerly known as Rosie. Everyone tells me that turken roos are nice and he's going to be handsome, but first he has to live that long.
Alot of people who make chicken saddles are able to sew on one of the 'key-rings' for lack of better term, that you can clip a leash onto. Your roo should have a talk with my Silkie. 8 months old and no more than a little dancing...

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