Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

Sorry I didn't post haha, Christmas got in the way.

Yes, actually he is with another rooster. They are both separated from the girls to give each other a break. We gave them feed and the ball appeared again on him. I'll start to wet the feed before giving it to them now.
I did a little experiment. Like I said, I have two roosters living together, the Naked-Neck with his throat issue and a RIR. I wanted to see how he ate with the RIR there and how he ate without him.

When the RIR was there, he did gobble the feed. He always chases him off when he sees the RIR eating. I noticed the ball started to appear, so I took away the feed.

When the RIR was gone, he took his time eating. Heck he even laid there and took a nap (not really haha). When I came back there was still feed there, he wasn't even finish. I didn't wet the feed. He didn't have a ball in his throat either.

His dominance gets the best of him and wants all the food for himself. I haven't wet the feed yet so I'm not sure, I'll wet it and see how it goes tomorrow (his crop is still full right now).

Also whats fermented feed?
There's a thread on FF (Fermented Feeding), check it out very informative.

You put feed in a PLASTIC container with an the same amount of water; you want a consistancy of mush; the feed will SWELL so make sure your container will allow for "growth" at least 3 - 4x. Do NOT USE any metal utensils, containers, feeders (chemical reaction). Stir & let sit for about 3 - 4 days, stirring about 2 - 3x day, have a lid on but leave opening for it to breath. Smells like sourdough & bubbles.
I use a piece of taffeta material ... I have only 4 BOs (38wks) so I use a gallon container, making 2 - 3 cups dry feed mixed with water daily. Feeding about 2 heaping ladle full 2x a day, the rest will get the next days feed bubbling. Aside from the nutritional plus, their poop is firm, no stink (cecal still stinks) & alot less poop, I think :) No wasted feed, I don't leave feed in their run/coop, less rodent issues cause there's no scattered feed in their enclosure. Picture below I was making 1 - 2 cups per day when they were younger.

I would build a few feeders and place them around coop. If there’s more then one and at seporate locations there shouldn’t be any fighting or gobbeling of food.

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