Feed store dilemma — poultry protection laws?


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2019
So today we went to our local feed store for oyster shell and as usual I went to say hi to the baby birds (because how can you not?) and what I found was, in my opinion, gross negligence. Amid the too full cages was one bin of new baby silkies, several of whom had such horribly pasted butts that the poop was dragging behind them.

Naturally I went and told the guy behind the counter that he needed to wash them and that if he wouldn’t to let me. He said he would so I left.

After some very upset discussion with the husband he went back an hour later to check on the birds while running errands with my kids. He hadn’t seen it before but he saw then why I was so upset because the birds were still a dangerous mess. He decided to adopt the 3 worst looking ones and bring them home so we could clean them. As he and my children grabbed them (unattended because the person working told him to) he found a dead baby in the cage as well. Needless to say that didn’t go over well with all my boys.

My question is who can I call about this? The neighboring feed store said there’s no animal negligence laws protecting poultry so all we can do is talk to management and hope they do better. Do you guys have any insight?

Sorry for the super long post! I swear I’m not a crazy neurotic, this was *really* bad. I wish I had taken pictures but I just wanted to get them clean.
I would talk to the manager. He may not want to listen to you, (he probably really doesn't care about the chicks), but at least he would know that he/his employees are doing something wrong. Feed stores often don't care about the chicks, they just assume they don't really matter, because most chicks spend a very short time at the store, before being bought. You might want to share a few helpful tips with the employees/manager on how to care for the chicks, that may be less intimidating, and they may be more receptive. It's good you care! A lot of people don't.
It’s such a shame that these stores don’t care about their chicks! What you did when you adopted those chicks was a great thing! You probably saved their lives! It’s just so horrible that the stores ignore and neglect the chicks. Personally, I’d probably boycott the store lol. It’s a good idea to talk to the manager. If a young child sees a dead chick I can only imagine how traumatizing that could be!
Great job! Those chicks must be so grateful!
Thanks everyone! We’re going to talk to management on Tuesday.

The littles are doing well. I’m encouraged that we got to them in time. Two of them pooped as soon as their vents were clear, the other had me nervous until just a bit ago when she pooped on the husband. They are asleep and clean. Phew


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Thanks everyone! We’re going to talk to management on Tuesday.

The littles are doing well. I’m encouraged that we got to them in time. Two of them pooped as soon as their vents were clear, the other had me nervous until just a bit ago when she pooped on the husband. They are asleep and clean. Phew
I brought some home from TSC and they had pasty butt, spent the next three days keeping them cleaned, I had to laugh when you said the one poo'd on the hubby as one of mine did shortly after I handed her to him to dry..lol.. YELP is a good place to alert others to what you've seen. Anywhere that you can leave a review.
There's basically no regulation for fish, reptiles, or small mammals, either. Some animal protection laws specifically exclude them, especially fish. Animal cruelty laws haven't caught up yet.
There is a guy being prosecuted for abandoning an oscar fish when he moved out of his house, though, so that's progress! You can't do that to a living animal, fish or not.
Glad you rescued some chicks! My local Murdochs does a pretty good job caring for the chicks in my opinion. However, I've been in a feed store where no one had bought any chicks for weeks, and the birds were all huge and feathered (they should have been living outside), they were crowded into a tiny poopy trough, and their water was slimy and green. They were selling them for $3 each to get rid of them. I rescued some, and they turned out beautiful! So sad, wish I could do something to help stores take better care of their baby poultry.

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