Feedback from Dorking, Speckled Sussex, and Faverolle owners?

Now I can hardly wait for my Faverolles to grow up. Maybe I never get to see them because my curious and somewhat pushy Speckled Sussex are always in the way!
I have two SS hens that are just over a year old. They are pretty laid back, are not flighty and not aggressive either. They tolerate being held (but then we didn't know about handling them lots in the beginning so that is probably the issue there) and they are very entertaining! They are pretty vocal (not noisy though) and they are very curious and love grazing the fresh grass and weeds every day. They are not a push over but they also arent aggressive. They started laying at 20 weeks just like all my other hens did and while they are not great layers they do put out one pretty much every other day, occasionally every day. My buff orpington was an egg laying machine as was my silkie and bantam cochin.

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