Feedback on Learning Center "Treats Chart"

Hey All
This is my 1st flock. I have 6 RIR, 6 BOrph, and 5 Welsum., and 3 LegH.
I've been experimenting with treats.
But so far have had little luck. ( Oh but they love bread, and have seen not to do this all the time.)
I put out yogurt in a glass bowl with ice around a Larger Glass bowl, but they do not seem interested. I'll keep trying cause of the benefits. I leave it out for an Hour and then pick it up.

Grapes/squash are a big hit, but lettuce was not.

My girls are awesome
I just want to spoil them rotten.

Thanks for the Treat Chart.

ps My husband threw them bologna, and they fought over it.
Sorry if someone already asked this, I read a lot of the posts but not all 24 pages!

My kids like to give their PBJ crusts to the girls. Is peanut butter okay in small quantities? I know it's probably high in salt, so I realize a lot of it wouldn't be a good thing, but there's not much left on the crusts once they're done. If it makes a difference this is the "natural" peanut butter, just ground peanuts and salt.

Thanks! As a chicken newbie I consult the chart nearly every day!
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Most things in modest quantities are fine. Now if you were to shove PB down their little gullets 7 hours a day, the salt might build up to a level where it would upset their body chemistry.

About Oatmeal, I'm going to have to re-look that up. Mostly I cook the girls oatmeal so it will be warm for them on cold winter mornings...
It's avocado PITS that are not advised, but as somebody pointed out, what chicken could swallow an avocado pit?

Cherries in moderation.

Pineapple, - I dunno but I know the acid burns my tongue when I have more than just a little bit. I'd hold off on the pineapple. Mind you , I have no scientific proof for this, just a hunch.
great list. has been a great help.

My flock consists of 4 EE's,, 3 Buff Crosses, 3 Australorps, 1 Wyandotte, I think they are a tad spoiled, I find them something yummy everday. I say a happy chicken lays lotsa eggs.
they have loved everything so far,

they've eaten , cantaloupe seeds, got to pick out the cantaloupe shell- they pick it clean to the green,
they LOVE scrambled eggs, plain yogurt (the one hen had it all over her beak, messy girl, she was slurping it like there was no tomorrow), apples, a bag of crickets: they were fun, they have loved the scratch.
Heck my girls love everything, part pig they are.
Is it okay to feed my Leghorns fish? They LOVE it but don't want to make them sick! I also feed them all meat leftovers including chicken (who am I to judge?). Is that okay. Also, would it be okay to feed them the raw shells from shrimp? Thanks!!
With computers you can do this amazing thing called copy & paste. Paste the copied list to your word processing program & print it.

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