Feeder and Waterer Height


Feb 8, 2015
So, I know there are a lot of threads on this subject, but none that I've found that answer my specific question.

I am installing PVC waterers and feeders from the outside of my coop and need to cut through the hardware cloth, so I only want to do it once. I don't want to have to move the feeder as they grow and patch the wire.

Since my birds are only nine weeks right now, I don't know how tall they will grow to do that, but their chick feeder and waterer are too small for them now and they keep knocking them over.

I have two Silver Laced Wyandotte's and two Speckled Sussex. I need to know how tall they will grow. If they can't reach their food and water now, I can lay bricks beneath the dispensers until they grow tall enough.

Thank you!

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