Feeder design not feeding


5 Years
Mar 5, 2014
This is my feeder. The feed from the vertical pipe wont fall when the feed from the horizontal gets eaten. The pipe is 1 1/2 inch and the vertical is maybe 3 feet long. Any suggestions?
The elbow is a 90 angle but have it bent down on an angle.

Have a lot of this pipe so experimenting is oj. Also have some 4in diameter lengths.

looks like your horizontal section is too long with too little slope to have the food slide all the way to the left side. To get the food all the way to the left you could tip the whole unit counterclockwise so the horizontal pipe has a greater slope.

But if you are able to get the feed all the way to the end I think you're going to have problems with it overflowing or at least filling up to the opening which will allow the girls to waste a lot by knocking it on the ground. I just don't see this setup working as you had planned.

I would suggest going with multiple feeders with a single access port for each one, that way you don't have the overflow issues and you'll be able to have more food stored in the multiple vertical feeders. You may have to play with the length of the feeder ports till you get one that the feed moves into without filling to the port allowing food to be knocked on the ground
Well glad I have a lot of scrap pipe. The food only slides down if you manually do it.
I am going to try larger pipe with a shorter horizontal.

Thanks for the advice

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