Feeding chickens cooked chicken? Is it ethical?

Feeding chicken anything under the sun in meat, dairy, fruits and veggies, they don't care and they are opporuntic survivers. It is UN ethical to WASTE food so put it to use by feeding it to your chickens.

I feed my daughters, my leftover or "failed recipe" stuff to the chickens. They taste bad to us, it tasted good to them! Good thing I have my very own garbage disposers instead of ramming the leftovers into the garbage bins (you would hav eto wash them if the bags ripped or maggots) OR throwing them down the garbage disposer which it would stink up or expensive water treatments (we live in city and pay HIGH price for water and garbage).

When we lived on the farm, when we butchered chickens and rabbits, we tossed the innards to the hog pen and they relished it as much as the chickens did near the "dump" bucket. At first it shocked me but after a few butcherings, I thought if it is good for them, not to waste anything, go for it! Also when we casterated the piglets, the testicles would be tossed out in both pens and they gobbled it up as well.

Humans or chickens/animals...who would survive? I have to reckon the animals will survive a bit longer even we humans have been hunting them down for food.
You feed them your daughters???? Wow, now THAT'S not letting anything go to waste! LOL!

Seriously though, ethics are for humans. Chickens don't have ethics. If it's good for them, feed it.
You feed them your daughters???? Wow, now THAT'S not letting anything go to waste! LOL!

Seriously though, ethics are for humans. Chickens don't have ethics. If it's good for them, feed it.

Just my daughter's leftovers that she does not eat on her plate. She enjoys giving some to the chickens by not eating all of her dinner. I told her even if she does eat ALL of her supper/breakfast, etc. she still will be taking some leftovers for them.
Ethics are for humans.

As everyone has said, chickens are omnivores and will eat whatever they think will satiate and sustain them. However, disease is a concern and if you choose to feed it, it should be well cooked and 100% fit for human consumption.
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lol you guys are hysterical!

I'm with most of the posters, cooked meat is cooked meat as long as you arn't feeding brain-matter to anyone. Mad cow disease came from uncooked brains being included in cow feed. If you think it's super unethical, don't eat any store-bought chicken products because I guarentee that those closely crowded chickens help themselves to chicken dinner when a flockmate goes down.

I wouldn't recommend feeding chickens raw chicken meat, or feeding it to them daily, but an occassional treat won't cause armageddon.

Chickens taste so good that even they know it!
Yesterday I made broth with a left-over chicken carcass, divided it into several portions with the bones, skin and bits of meat included, then stuck most of them in the freezer. I will use it occasionally to mix with their dry feed, which sure doesn't seem very appetizing by itself. Used some this morning; the chickens love it!!
You feed them your daughters???? Wow, now THAT'S not letting anything go to waste! LOL!

Seriously though, ethics are for humans. Chickens don't have ethics. If it's good for them, feed it.

Oh, that was great!

My kids freaked when I fed them scramble-poached and hard-boiled egg! The peeps love it though! I haven't given them any chicken though. I will do that Friday, as we are having roast chicken for din-din tomorrow night.
HAHA!! I am the very same way, I can't help it, they are my little girls! I have 4 Rhode Island Reds and they are my babies. They are 1-1/2yrs old now and each has their distinct personality, I love them so much!! However, I have never given them a chicken or turkey carcass! I will definitely give those to my girls from now on! I do give them cooked meats, chicken in particular and they love it.

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