Feeding chickens only sprouts

If everyone gave you a YES or NO answer, you would get no where. If you would just let us explain to you what would be best for your chickens, nobody would have to argue. Also, saying things like "finally someone who isn't a jerk" does not help anything.

You came here for advice, and that is what we are trying to give you.
I think that you're misinterpreting what we're saying. We didn't think that you're a horrible person, and we don't think that you're torturing your chickens. You asked if you could feed them only sprouts, and we told you no, and that WOULD be malnourishing your chickens. You then continued to argue with us.
I must have sorry about that
If everyone gave you a YES or NO answer, you would get no where. If you would just let us explain to you what would be best for your chickens, nobody would have to argue. Also, saying things like "finally someone who isn't a jerk" does not help anything.

You came here for advice, and that is what we are trying to give you.
Oh okay well sorry about that
People and feed mills who mix their own feed add a 'premix' to the grains.
It contains all the vitamins/minerals/amino acids that chickens need, in the right proportions.
But you can't make a universal supplement that is added to ALL kinds of feed, because the basic feed ingredients themselves contain some vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. So the right premix for a corn-based feed would be wrong for a lentil-based feed. The common grains might be similar enough to use the same mix, but if someone wanted to base a chicken food on potatoes and fish (for example), they would need a different supplement for their food.

Some folks shouldn't have chickens.
Asking questions doesn't hurt the chickens. Thinking of ideas that might be either crazy or brilliant, then asking instead of just trying the ideas, doesn't hurt the chickens either.

A quote from the very first post:
I have been giving layer feed but I wanted to switch
So the chickens are FINE while this is being discussed.
And a few pages later, it looks like OP has decided that a complete feed is the best option for now, because formulating an appropriate feed is much more complex than they originally thought.
But you can't make a universal supplement that is added to ALL kinds of feed, because the basic feed ingredients themselves contain some vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. So the right premix for a corn-based feed would be wrong for a lentil-based feed.
I'm not sure about that.....I do not know the details of the pre-mix(es).

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