Feeding chicks and adults together?

new chick 203

13 Years
Feb 8, 2010
Ridgefield CT
At some point I'd like to incorporate my chicks into the big coop, but if they are on different feed till around 20 weeks old do I have to keep them separate. How do people manage this?
Hi, I asked a similar question earlier. The response I got was that all chicks/hens can eat grower/finisher feed. Don't let the chicks eat lay mash until they're ready to lay though. It can be detrimental to them inthe long run.
So, at about 10 weeks old when we merge them in everyone goes on grower. Might I need to supplement the "big girls" with extra protein then? Also, I tried putting out oyster shell free choice and the chicks went for it so I had to take it away.
tricky little buggers.
okay so im worried now. I provide both chick feed and layena to my flock because 1 i have a grown hen but the 4 others are 3-4 month old chicks. Is this okay? i mean i know the chicks will be eatting some layena and vice versa but they are about to be laying age right?
My experience so far is that they all eat everything. They have different nutritional needs at different stages. I just can't imagine keeping them all separate till they can all be on layer. I was thinking I would have less pecking order nonsense if I got them all together at about 10 weeks and their mom can introduce them to the others.
I feed the Purina Flock Raiser to all of mine. I nailed an empty green bean can on the wall of the coop at a height the chicks aren't likely to reach and put the oyster shell in that (one for the grit too) since the Flock Raiser doesn't have the calcium that layer feed does. It's worked well for me.

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