Feeding chicks boiled eggs

The Golden Egg5

5 Years
Nov 5, 2016
Boone, North Carolina
I know this is a dumb question, but I have heard of some people feeding baby chicks hard boiled eggs and scrambled egg, and I was wondering if I could feed them store bought eggs. I have no other chickens, so I can't get any fresher eggs. I just wanted to be sure this was okay. Also, when you feed them boiled or scrambled egg, do you provide them chick grit as well?
No grit is necessary with boiled eggs. Run the boiled egg through a food processor so it's finely minced.Baby chicks need very very tiny morsels or they won't attempt to eat it. It's a perfect food for baby chicks in their first week. It gets them started eating when they might be slow to try to eat starter crumbles.
Last year's chicks got a daily helping of scrambled egg. They were crazy about it. They would come running like a mob when they saw me bringing their eggs. They have all been friendly and inquisitive because of it. I don't handle my chicks unless it's to move them, and my chickens were always a bit wary. Since feeding eggs to all the age groups occasionally, they all stand around in my way now hoping for a treat.

I will always feed scrambled eggs to my chicks from now on. I would just microwave them for a minute or so in a plastic bowl with a splash of milk, I think I fed 1-2 eggs to about 20 chicks, than I let them cool a bit than crumble them up in a dish. Too bad I have no clue on how to post a video as I got one from last year's chicks gobbling up there eggs pretty quick. They grew quite well too. Their poop was a bit more stinky but it was a good payoff.
Last year's chicks got a daily helping of scrambled egg. They were crazy about it. They would come running like a mob when they saw me bringing their eggs. They have all been friendly and inquisitive because of it. I don't handle my chicks unless it's to move them, and my chickens were always a bit wary. Since feeding eggs to all the age groups occasionally, they all stand around in my way now hoping for a treat.

I will always feed scrambled eggs to my chicks from now on. I would just microwave them for a minute or so in a plastic bowl with a splash of milk, I think I fed 1-2 eggs to about 20 chicks, than I let them cool a bit than crumble them up in a dish. Too bad I have no clue on how to post a video as I got one from last year's chicks gobbling up there eggs pretty quick. They grew quite well too. Their poop was a bit more stinky but it was a good payoff.
thank you! Haha that does seem to be a good payoff. I hope the eggs will do the same for my chicks temperament. Just wondering, are scrambled eggs better than boiled eggs, or are they the same?
I like the scrambled because they are easier to make and everything is mixed up so they get white and yolk together and get the full benefit from eating the eggs.
Yes, yes and yes I have been giving mine boiled eggs mashed up in Ramon with mixed veggies and she really enjoys this treat. A friend came over from mainland and sweeped up floor in their Condo and had about 30 roaches and I gave to Hennyko and she enjoy this treat. After rains I will let out to go on a slug hunt!
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