Feeding chicks with the rest of the flock


Jul 20, 2019
Hutchinson, MN
We have a few chicks due to be hatched in a few days that are under a broody hen. We plan on letting her raise the chicks with the rest of the flock. We raise laying hens and have a couple roosters. I have chick feed, but what do people normally do to make sure the chicks are getting that and not the layer feed? I can also see the rest of my flock pigging out on the chick feed... Do you mix the foods together? I'd like to keep the chicks with everyone else if at all possible.
Hi there. You have a few options...
1, keep the chick feed down low and layer up higher than they can reach. 2, feed everyone chick feed until the chicks are old enough to lay, 16 weeks or so. Or 3, switch to an all flock feed that everyone can eat. I fed my flock chick feed with oyster shell on the side, then switched to all flock with os available all the time.
When I have chicks, everyone eats what the chicks eat. That's why I'm currently juggling 4 types of feed at the moment lol... once the chicks actively begin integration, the adults will be switched over to all flock crumble and fermented starter.
Hi there. You have a few options...
1, keep the chick feed down low and layer up higher than they can reach. 2, feed everyone chick feed until the chicks are old enough to lay, 16 weeks or so. Or 3, switch to an all flock feed that everyone can eat. I fed my flock chick feed with oyster shell on the side, then switched to all flock with os available all the time.
Thank you! I like the idea of a flock feed and offering their oyster shells on the side. We are also adding some Guinea keets to our flock in a few weeks, so that would probably be ideal. 😊
The way I figure, more than half the year:
- you have chicks
- you have hens not laying due to daylight hours
- you have hens not laying due to molt (and this can be months and months of the year if you look at all the times any single hen is molting)
- You have a broody
- You might have a roo

I just see no reason to buy layer feed when any given day one of these factors could be impacting the flock and layer feed would negatively impact at least one bird. This is why I don’t even consider any feed but the most recent mill date Flock Raiser (any brand) with a can of oyster shell always present.

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