Feeding my 12 1/2 week old chickens

Perfect! Thanks for being so helpful everyone! Is the only way I can feed them to be organic to feed them from my garden, or is there a company out there that makes a organic layer feed? I asked the "girl" ( she was younger and idk how much she knew about the topic) where I bought my feed from and she said there really isn't a commercial feed company that makes 100% organic chicken feed. Can anyone point me in the right direction? The whole purpose to my chickens are for a step tiward a healthier lifestyle for my wife and I. They free range in the yard all day with my hen house door open so they may go in and out for feed and water as they please.any suggestions? Thanks again everyone


I know there is organic chicken feed, but I don't know where to get it or what company produces it. I would search around on the Internet, or inquire with some other poultry people. Chickens shouldn't live solely on food from a garden, as they need balanced nutrients. They can, though, obtain some of their nutrients from foods like weeds, insects, other plants, etc., and of course, they enjoy doing so.

Good luck with your hens! I'm sorry I couldn't help more.
Thanks! Yea I haven't looked real hard on the Internet for organic feed. Like I said my free range the yard and my garden :(. Lol mostly they do dirt baths between the corn rows. Lots and lots of bugs for them to eat. And here are my ladies at 10 weeks. They are almost 13 weeks now and just huge! Alot bigger than I thought they would get but we love them and are talking about maybe 2 more next spring. Thanks for the help/advise everyone! I love this website, no matter what the topic someone has a solution or positive input.
Thanks! Yea I haven't looked real hard on the Internet for organic feed. Like I said my free range the yard and my garden
. Lol mostly they do dirt baths between the corn rows. Lots and lots of bugs for them to eat. And here are my ladies at 10 weeks. They are almost 13 weeks now and just huge! Alot bigger than I thought they would get but we love them and are talking about maybe 2 more next spring. Thanks for the help/advise everyone! I love this website, no matter what the topic someone has a solution or positive input.
Thanks for posting this question! I am also a first timer and was searching for the same answer. My girls are the same age as yours. I have six; 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Brahmas and 2 Deleware. They also free range in our yard during the day. I have been told at this age to mix pellets in with the chick starter to introduce them slowly. I know Costco recently had organic chicken feed, but not sure if they still do. I wish I had purchased some when they had it a couple of months ago.
My chickens loooove crumbles and pellets they will eat but they dont like them as much
Thanks for the info! I may buy the crumbles at Costco then and start mixing it in with their chick starter at about 14 weeks. That's what I was the gentleman at out local Tractor Supply told me to do. I thinks it was a 50 lb. bag for $19.99. I think that's a pretty good price for organic.

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