Feeding my chickens I'm new to this

feeding my chickens corn, soybean meal,
These are two ingredients many on here try to avoid with their chickens. I don't go to that length of trying to find organic feed minus these ingredients. I'm happy with Purina or Dumar crumbles myself. I know my chickens are getting what they need that way.
My meat birds are eating about 7 pounds of that feed in one day and only seem to want to eat either corn or bugs that are on the ground they wont eat what falls. They look like 2 year olds that just cant seem to work a spoon and all the food goes all over.
I had no idea they ate so much! In that case, you have to make a decision as to what you want most, economical chicken on your table, or the best chicken money can buy on your dinner table. :confused:
Ok thanks I have a ton of peat moss I'm not using. But how can I get ride of the de without causing more damage to more of my environment. I bought it because everyone told me it was natural and safe but I feel like what your saying I'd right every time I'm near it I end up needing my I asthma inhaler.
If you have asthma, perhaps you should not use it anywhere. Take it to the dump.
Remember that Cornishx birds will weigh six to eight pounds each at eight weeks of age (maybe more) so eight birds x seven pounds body weight x two pounds of feed, at least, equals easily 110 pounds or more of feed. Then, these birds are still alive at twelve weeks of age. What do they weigh each? That's a lot of feed for just those eight meat birds!
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I don't see what state you are in, but if you are in an agricultural state, there may be feed mills near you that make their own feed, much cheaper than the large brand names. I have been buying an all-flock feed, 20% protein, for 9.99 for 40lbs. It is made about 30 miles from my home, and sold locally. So you might check around to see if anything is available. Of course, if you live in a very urban area, maybe not much chance of that.
Are you planning to do the processing yourself? I think there are some good threads to follow on that here on this forum. Might as well start eating those pigs with feathers!
Well as I see I'm pretty stupid I guess because I was told at tractor supply that these meat bird will reproduce no problem so that's why I've kept them around so long and now seeing what I've been helped with on here and doing my own research i feel pretty stupid. I have a family of 8 and thought having a endless supply of healthy non store bought meat sounded great. I'm sure they had many great laughs on my account. :( well live and learn
We all had to learn the basics and are all still learning everything. I always call it one grand experiment after another at my place. So, don't feel bad.

On another note, they are producing those cornish cross some way or another, so it might be worth some research to accomplish what you are trying to do. It's not a bad premise at all. Someone said to process them at 6-10 weeks on this thread. As I recall, each CX is pretty inexpensive. My neighbor buys a lot of them at one time and processes them for her freezer for the year. Might not seem so expensive if you processed them early. But, I'm just brain storming. I don't raise CXs.
I hate the poor little guys, and swore to never get them again. Then last month, I looked in my freezer and decided to do it. Again. They will be in my freezer by the end of October, unlike the Freedom Rangers or heritage cockerels I much prefer, who get to act like chickens.
So, there they are in the coop annex, eating very well and looking like little feathered bowling balls...
I will echo what everyone said: it’s not stupid. There’s a LOT to learn. For now, get those chickens butchered before they (1) eat you out of house and home or (2) drop dead. The Cornish Cross will drop dead, and yours are past the ideal butchering time.

Good for you for figuring out that cramming them in a small cage was cruel and unhealthy!

There is a ton of wonderful information on here. Keep reading, and keep asking questions. We love to show off how much we know! Just kidding, sort of. There are experts here, many.

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