Feeding Organic?

I feed organic to avoid GMOs. The jury is still out and there are no long-term health studies. The EU has banned GMOs, and many other countries have followed suit. In the US, we prefer to keep consumers as uninformed as possible. No one can possibly claim to know there are no long-term health risks. Until then, I choose to eat what nature intended, not what bioscience engineered.
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I feed organic. I have a small flock currently 5 birds and will not be more than 12 birds. I don't trust GMO and the over use of antibiotics is appalling to me. Don't even get me started on round up. My goal is self sufficient living and for me that means that everything I have went threw the trouble to grow/raise must be done organically. Ever wonder why depression era people look better and are healthier than their baby boomer era kid's? I feel that you should truely look into everything you consume.
Does anyone know where online that I can order organic, soy free chicken food for the best price? Or even if it's not organic as long as it is soy free and non-gmo.
Does anyone know where online that I can order organic, soy free chicken food for the best price? Or even if it's not organic as long as it is soy free and non-gmo.

I was considering the "New Country Organic" food. It's quite expensive but I thought I might swap it out with the Tractor supply organic. I'm also going to ferment the feed. The ingredients in the NCO seems to be the best I can find. I'm pretty sure it doesn't contain soy.
I have bought the Natures Best from them. and using it now... I guess its okay. But I hate the soy part in it. Plus its only like corn, soy and I believe barley plus chemicals...Be sure to check out the lot number on the package tag. I talked to the company and they started putting the year like "16" at the end of the lot number... my local TRACTOR SUPPLY still has at least two bags with no number...."16" on it... THAT MEANS it was made in 2015 or so..... Ridiculous...!!!!
and they put in one of their sales flyers recently something about "fresh feeds" WHAT a JOKE...
I need to call the NB again company and ask when my lot number was manufactured....
They are also selling at my local TSC "Purina "organic and a small bag of the organic "Manna Pro" brand...
I did buy the other one you mentioned(New county Organic" but the chickens left the cracked peas casings and the additive(like sand) prob Ferrells Nuturabalancer...

The shipping was as much almost as the feed.otherwise....... I would have to drive 90 miles to buy it....
Id rather fix my own and have but they wasted so much. Prob cause they were picking and choosing the various stuff out of the mix...much of it. Hubby threw the waste in the woods. Duh
Did ferment for a while. May do it again My mixture...that is.like Quinoa, buckwheat, steel cut oats, millet,split yellow and green peas(all food grade)
I cant find millet cheap.Last time Hubby got it at an Amish Country store. But repackaged and not dated...though....
I am keeping my eye on the salvage stores for more "grasses" for them Many are not even outdated yet...got quite a bit of the Quinoa stored for them. Every time I see at Salvage stores I usually buy the whole shebang!!!, Weeks ago bought three or more bags of chia, weeks before sesame seeds in 1b bags....lots of teff....Found just one box of Steel Oats yesterday....
I hate paying regular priced for stuff. I am so spoiled.......
Just chiming in
I will be fermenting mine so they won't really be able to pick out the peas. Right now we went with organic from TSC. I agree not impressive but for now I need to save a bit since my hubby has already put $1000 into building this coop. Next month I may order the NCO. I know the shipping is $20 and the feed is $30. I can't find anyone that carries it and I would worry about the freshness.
You might also check out Scratch and Peck feeds for a local dealer or an Azure standard delivery. I bought a bag of S&P through Azure (you meet the tractor trailer truck near you) before thankfully finding a local store that carries New Country Organics.

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