feeding quail bittys


6 Years
Jan 1, 2014
I hatched 28 quail and all have died but 12. Is it the pulverized layer crumbles I've been feeding them. That's all I have. Do I need to get bitty mash for them?
Welcome to BYC! Glad you joined us, Happy Holidays!
Hello :frow Welcome To BYC and Happy Holidays! You might want to post on the BYC Quail forum for advice on raising baby quail. https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/48/quail Layer Feed is really high in calcium and is not good for baby chicks' kidneys, it is also usually only about 16% protein, they usually recommend a higher protein for quail like what is in Turkey or Gamebird Starter.
Welcome To BYC and Happy Holidays! You might want to post on the BYC Quail forum for advice on raising baby quail. https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/48/quail Layer Feed is really high in calcium and is not good for baby chicks' kidneys, it is also usually only about 16% protein, they usually recommend a higher protein for quail like what is in Turkey or Gamebird Starter.

Good advice from Kelsie. I doubt that the diet you are providing is appropriate.
Hi there,
and welcome to BYC!

Most likely there is a temp problem in your brooder. Quail are very suseptable to chilling and dying within the first week from too much heat, or drafts. Make sure you have a good thermometer and it is placed directly on the floor beneath the heat source, food and water off to one side, heat on the other so they have to leave the heat to get to the goods. Do not cover the brooder with anything but screen or wire for good heat and oxygen exchange. Use a brooder with solid sides and flooring. Give them 1/2 square foot per bird. Lay down paper towels and sprinkle crushed Gamebird starter feed all around the floor so they can find the feed. You can remove the paper towels in a few days once they all figure out where the food is kept. Use chick waterers with quail as they are suseptable to falling in and drowning. Dip everybodies beak in the water when first placing them in the brooder. Lower the temp by 5 degrees each week for 6 weeks.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy BYC!
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You need to get some chick starter or crush some turkey grow

Try this because you need to get them some protein so boil up
some chicken eggs and peal them and smash them up real good
and see if they like that

Good luck


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