Feeding Wild Birds

I looked out the window and to my surprise there was a grackle and a redwing black bird on the feeder that's our first sign of spring in N. E. Ohio. :eek::loveI hope they come back I will try to get a photo.
Redwing blackbird males at the home feeder this morning. Maybe spring is really coming? Last year the females never arrived, and there were no breeding pairs in the swamp at the beagle club.
No Red-wings here yet. Currently -5°F with a light wind and
.... And?
Rachael Harris Popcorn GIF by Lucifer
Today I found a partially eaten turkey carcass at the beagle club. Apparently it got ambushed against the fence - sometimes they fly in and can't figure how to get out. Looked like a raptor kill. Not certain whether a GHO or whether or not a red tail could kill a turkey. 'Whatever' did not leave a feather to help with identification.

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