Feeding Wild Birds

Western Tanager



Unfortunately i have my first house sparrow show up to bother the Martins.
And now the Martins are fighting with the bluebirds that took up residence in the other Martin house. 🤨
They weren't doing that before this sparrow showed up. I think the sparrow started it.
I hate nest box wars. :hmm I have 4 boxes up, 2 of which get claimed every year by a Bluebird pair and a Bewick's Wren pair. The other 2 boxes get fought over by Chickadees, Juniper Titmice and Ash Throated Flycatchers. Although this year one box is still empty, I think the Flycatchers are nesting in the rafters instead.
Strange year, nothing but grackles and Cow Birds. Our normal 40-50 Hummingbirds way down to maybe six. Changing the nectar feeders but not filling empties. :confused:
My hummingbird counts have been going down every year for 25 years. I used to go though 2 gallons a day, 7 feeders, 75+ birds. Last year I had 4 feeders, 20+ birds and only went through a half gallon a day. :(
Have you tried safflower seeds? I had European Starlings at my suet feeder chasing off all the other birds. I switched over to safflower seed and they vanished shortly thereafter, but most of the rest of the birds were perfectly happy with it.
If they vanished for the same reason they vanished around here, it had nothing to do with the change in feed.

The Feds poisoned the starlings here. In the end they got a little too aggressive and got some Grackles too.
If they vanished for the same reason they vanished around here, it had nothing to do with the change in feed.

The Feds poisoned the starlings here. In the end they got a little too aggressive and got some Grackles too.
Timing would have been too convenient, they visited once after the feed change and then I haven’t seen them since. (Also I haven’t heard of anyone poisoning birds around me, though I allow that may just be ignorance on my part.)

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