Feel a bit bad about killing a rat...

Such complex creatures we humans are, and multi-layered and personalized are our ethics. Some don't think about killing things much-- they're animals; what's the big deal? Others turn vegan. I think I'm utilitarian with my empathies-- I can shoot and eat for special occasions, but suffering by bludgeoning doesn't sit well.

"Bad" was probably an overly simplistic, late-night word choice on my part.

We truly are complex creatures, but this also helps us see what is special in other creatures. (BTW, I think you did the right thing...or, should I say, the necessary thing.)

Other creatures are magnificent, aren't they? No rat problems since the "incident"... I swear that guy was a Goliath.
Alright, I managed to nix 5 tonight. After sitting out there and watching them for an hour or so, I'm realizing how prolific and invasive they are. If I'm patient enough for a good shot, they go down immediately. I don't like cleaning them up though

Sure, I guess I'm sort of a transplanted city-slicker, but I much prefer the gun to the club!

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