Feeling lost . . .

So this guy showed up in our yard last week, I have looked for his owner with no luck, so I guess he's ours now, I got some hay and food from our local feed store, I'm not super sure it's the right food, but he eats it. Other that that I'm lost, I believe he's been spending the nights on our boat, and spends most of the day near our back slider or out in the yard pecking about, not looking to spend a fortune or have anymore ducks really, but what else do we need for him? I've been looking for a used chicken coop, but most seem too small for this big guy, can I just let him keep roaming as he is?
awefull nice of you to care for this handsome gentleman
He’s a gorgeous Muscovy drake who looks very much at home. Bless you for taking him in when so many hate them. An all flock feed would be good for him like Purina flock raiser. And like @sourland mentioned a secure place to sleep at night safe from predators!!
Why do people not like Muscovy? Curious, I love mine.

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