Feet N Feed


One Handy Chick
15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Today one of my quilt customers comes to pick up her quilt. We got to talking about my chickens. She asks why isn't your chickens out. I say because it's going to rain. She replies does that matter. I say yes because their feed gets wet. She says can't you make boots for them. Well to say the least I thought she was losing it. I babbled on and she left. A little while later I had another quilt on the gammill quilter. While I was going along quilting I realized she thought I said feet not feed. Just the thought of chickens wearing boots puts me into fits of laughter. Make them boots.....
I just had to share that. I can almost see my chickens with yellow boots.
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I have an image in my mind of a duck with boots on. Maybe it was a cartoon or on a grocery product.

One other time a Jahovah Witness came over. Well at the time I had several red star hens. They were over our banking where we dump the compost bucket. Course those hens could scratch and dig like nobodys business. They could root like a pig. I didn't hear her pull up in the driveway. It was windy that day. Those darn hens were dirty and I was telling them they had dirty feet in a high pitched voice. The Jahovah Witness lady was there the whole time I was making an idiot of myself saying you dirty girls.,..what dirty feet you have. I was mortified. I could not speak to her for a few seconds I was so embarrased. I still get a little red just thinking of how that must have looked. She was just there. I heard nothing. Less than ten feet.

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