Fencing advice

That looks great, I'm wanting something cheap to install that I can open easily without having to put in a gate too.
Just as a word of caution: after having ducks who were afraid of their own shadow & spooked at everything, I was floored to find that geese tend to run towards danger and not away. Or at least if you have go-get-'em breeds like African/Chinese/etc. My goose Pearl shredded her beak on hardware cloth, presumably trying to go after an animal she seen through the wire, and even my gander Daisy ripped off the very tip of his beak by getting it caught.

So just some food for thought. :idunno I prefer chainlink as a main fence and wide plastic mesh (exactly like the type Omlet sells - available in most any farm supply store) for temporary fences. But I don't have foxes, and you likely do.
I'm in a pretty built up area so I wouldn't expect to see foxes during the day, rarely so during the night too but it's not impossible - I'd be leaving them outside during the day while I was at work and they'd be safely shut up at night time.

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