FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

I clicked on them and I can't see any swelling or bumps....maybe you can see them because you got to see what she looks like normally? She looks really normal to me and much like the other bird pictured except smaller and less feathered. I really can't spot any abnormalities in those pics. Maybe someone else out there can see something I'm not seeing?

Here's a few chicks of 4 wks of age that have similar coloring around their beaks, combs, wattles and ears and she looks pretty much the same...pink in all the right places.

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Thank you again. I keep calling you Bee, but I'm not sure if that is your real name or not LOL! My name is Kristine and I live in Arizona. First time chicken owner as an adult. I raised them from age 8 through about 13 when my parents divorced and our country homestead got sold as a result.
I will be posting on this thread frequently. I like the interaction. I know many people on a forum don't exchange names, but I always do.
I will let you know how my little Lemon Drop is doing tomorrow.
Everyone here calls me Bee and that's alright with me.
Nice to meet you, Kristine...I'm Jules.
My smaller chicks had problems with feathering on their face and necks when they were 3-5 weeks old. I think the FF was gloppy on the feathers and making the tiny feathers fall out. I made the consistency less watery and it helped tons. The necks took a while to feather in again, but one month out and you can't tell now. The necks without feathers looked terribly skinny. Not sure if this is the same problem but it sounds similar to mine.

Good luck.
Good point! I had a few that had lost the chick fuzz on their chests near the crop area due to the FF getting stuck there and their grooming and other chick's grooming the feed out of their feathering for them resulted in some bald patches there. It caused some slower feathering in these spots as well but was soon resolved.
Well, little Lemon was still looking a little ragged this morning. The bottom of her lower beak still had a disturbing pink/red tinge. They only got about 1/2 hr on the lawn this evening as the days are getting shorter.
It seems as if the tissue surrounding her eyes and her bump behind the ear is still pinker than it seemed her sisters' was before they feathered in. Her behavior has not changed, still as spunky as a 6 week old should be. She eats fine. I checked her this AM for mites and no sign of those. I guess it is just her lack of face feathers that makes her stand out from the others. I will keep watching for any other changes. Thanks for all the answers.
Niqueie it could be similar to what you experienced except she is the only one this has happened to and it appears my others have white skin on their faces and Lemon's is pink/red. I just recently switched to a drier formula as well and just noticed her looking differently on Sunday afternoon.
I just had 3 friends on my Arizona thread tell me that my little Lemon Drop might possibly be a rooster. Super bummed! Of the 4 - 93% sexed chicks she was last on my list for the potential to be a boy. I will keep watching her and hope for the best. If she is, she will have to go before she starts making a ruckus in the neighborhood.
Post some good pics of LD and the other chicks and I'll see if I can confirm that. Side views, standing broadside are helpful as are pics of tail and stance comparisons. Could be the cause of the increased redness you are seeing in contrast to the other chooks as well. We'll see!
Post some good pics of LD and the other chicks and I'll see if I can confirm that. Side views, standing broadside are helpful as are pics of tail and stance comparisons. Could be the cause of the increased redness you are seeing in contrast to the other chooks as well. We'll see!
OK, these chicks are not easy to photograph. They never stand still unless they are eating! Photos will be with caption underneath.

Here is Lemon all by herself. Note you can make out her red face even from here.

Her feathers and tail

Comparison to a coopmate. You can make out the difference in the head feathers and the color of face.

Lemon is in the foreground in this pic

Another side view

This is snoop. Her tail was pecked off when we got them at 2 weeks. It is slowly growing in. Thanks Jules!
I have been trying to keep up on this thread but I'm sure I have missed a few posts so I am sorry if this has been covered.
Is it ok to feed FF that has had fly's in it? I know chickens eat bugs but for some reason this does not seam ok. I came home and found a few circling the bucket and some in it. The feed looks and smells normal. Thanks!

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