FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Oh, hon...no man stuff around her the ol' Bat and I can't handle.
We've been doing all the man stuff for many a long year. Tell Stephen all he has to do is eat, relax and simply BE.

ahhhhh THAT sounds so nice! Just to BE!
I can't sit still enough and stay wound up so I probably wouldn't know HOW to act just being.
i'm just hyper. lol @ you eating that popcorn! I can make some mean popcorn! I put a WHOLE stick of butter in it. YUM

The only part of me that is hyper is my mind...the body just don't respond to all that hurry up stuff and I'm glad she doesn't. She helps me stay in the middle.
I make good popcorn too but no butter and very little oil. I use nutritional yeast and spicy seasoning on mine and it's darn near addictive...at least, that's what all the ladies at work say at any place I've brought it to work. They all eat every last speck....

Good Morning Ladies!

Funny! Good morning!
The only part of me that is hyper is my mind...the body just don't respond to all that hurry up stuff and I'm glad she doesn't. She helps me stay in the middle.
I make good popcorn too but no butter and very little oil. I use nutritional yeast and spicy seasoning on mine and it's darn near addictive...at least, that's what all the ladies at work say at any place I've brought it to work. They all eat every last speck....

Funny! Good morning!

LOL @ you Bee. Well throw me some of that
. Bee my seeds are ALREADY coming up in my grazing frames! I JUST planted them on Sat. evening. I got pix I'll post on my run and coop thread.

and GOOD MORNING to you all to!!!
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Grass seed germinates remarkably quick, even in the cooler temps of fall. I love it that your birds will have some greens all winter and they can truly have some habitat in that big, beautiful run. How many eggs ya get so far?
Grass seed germinates remarkably quick, even in the cooler temps of fall. I love it that your birds will have some greens all winter and they can truly have some habitat in that big, beautiful run. How many eggs ya get so far?

Just one egg so far Bee. I was soooo excited and just knew I'd get some more by now but just one so far. One of the RIR's keep hanging out close to the nest but she's only 5 months and 1 week now. The BA's will be 5 months old the 9th of Oct.
Culled my rooster today. He will be dinner next week. I am happy to report how healthy he was! Everything looked great. I was especially impressed at how clean his skin and feathers were no signs of any parasites. He did have a pretty fatty rear end. Is that normal or am I feeding them too much?

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