FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Okay, so here's what happened!

I totally screwed up that last batch of fermented feed. However,! Ii had heard there was a way to save it by adding ACV.
I persevered with it, trying to see if whatever I did would give me different or the same results as my new batch with slightly different rules than the first batch.

First of all, my container was way too small! I would nd up with such liquidy stuff,I don't know how I thought that was right! I was afraid to overflow my container. I knew people had said the consistency of oatmeal, but I had filled my container so full with water, I was afraid that adding water would make it overfill. It did. Because of the bubbles that were happening, qwerent coming through the liquid for some reason, they were just all stuck down below,it really looked like some gas was trapped inside the feed at the bottom.

Anyway, I added the ACV as instructed and waited a couple of days. Boy I tell ya! If it didn't smell like alcohol before,it certainly smelled like it after! So I told my husband that had made beer and asked him to smell it.yep,beer. Sorry for all who drink it,but seriously...yuck for me...I decided to put it in a bigger bucket, and see if following THOSE instructions! It would solve my problems, because there was no other reason I could think of logically that would throw it off that bad!

So....I dumped a bunch of oatmeal into it. Just as much as I thought would soak up a lot of that alcohol. So now it smells sweet, instead of like alcohol. I love the smell of oats.

I'll keep everyone posted how it turns out!

ETA: Oh!! My theory behind this, hypothesis (kinda/sorta/probably not) really is - I was starving my bacteria of carbs? Protein? Fats? Anyone know?
I guess we'll see how it turns out, and then I'll know..lol
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Make sure you are stirring it. Bubbles and gas do get trapped. Stirring makes sure it is developing all throughout. Glad it's been saved. The bigger containers are so much easier. I started out in too small container too.
My FF has been coming along nicely. It was looking good until today. I stir it every morning and this morning I found it looking like this.

Is this bad? It smells pretty much the same....

I added more feed and a bit more ACV to it. The pitcher it is in is not tightly covered and has good air exchange.
Make sure you are stirring it. Bubbles and gas do get trapped. Stirring makes sure it is developing all throughout. Glad it's been saved. The bigger containers are so much easier. I started out in too small container too.
My problem is,I don't have many birds. But I figured, I don't want this medicated feed anyway, what a great excuse to waste if it comes down to it! Glad I chose to try to save it, I u derstand the whole process so much better now than if I had thrown it out.
My FF has been coming along nicely. It was looking good until today. I stir it every morning and this morning I found it looking like this. Is this bad? It smells pretty much the same.... I added more feed and a bit more ACV to it. The pitcher it is in is not tightly covered and has good air exchange.
the white film means its working, stir it right on in! If it were fuzzy or something else odd, or smelled off, you would need to throw it completely away.
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My FF has been coming along nicely. It was looking good until today. I stir it every morning and this morning I found it looking like this.

Is this bad? It smells pretty much the same....

I added more feed and a bit more ACV to it. The pitcher it is in is not tightly covered and has good air exchange.

That is perfect...that's good growth of the scoby, or mother, of the mix...stir it in and be happy! No need to add ACV, as it is making its own now. Remember LABs >> alcohol sugar>>>acobacter feeds on this sugar>>makes acetic acid(vinegar).
That is perfect...that's good growth of the scoby, or mother, of the mix...stir it in and be happy! No need to add ACV, as it is making its own now. Remember LABs >> alcohol sugar>>>acobacter feeds on this sugar>>makes acetic acid(vinegar).
Oh good. I was worried something had gone off.


Getting my chicks this weekend. :)
Okay, so here's what happened!

I totally screwed up that last batch of fermented feed. However,! Ii had heard there was a way to save it by adding ACV.
I persevered with it, trying to see if whatever I did would give me different or the same results as my new batch with slightly different rules than the first batch.

First of all, my container was way too small! I would nd up with such liquidy stuff,I don't know how I thought that was right! I was afraid to overflow my container. I knew people had said the consistency of oatmeal, but I had filled my container so full with water, I was afraid that adding water would make it overfill. It did. Because of the bubbles that were happening, qwerent coming through the liquid for some reason, they were just all stuck down below,it really looked like some gas was trapped inside the feed at the bottom.

Anyway, I added the ACV as instructed and waited a couple of days. Boy I tell ya! If it didn't smell like alcohol before,it certainly smelled like it after! So I told my husband that had made beer and asked him to smell it.yep,beer. Sorry for all who drink it,but seriously...yuck for me...I decided to put it in a bigger bucket, and see if following THOSE instructions! It would solve my problems, because there was no other reason I could think of logically that would throw it off that bad!

So....I dumped a bunch of oatmeal into it. Just as much as I thought would soak up a lot of that alcohol. So now it smells sweet, instead of like alcohol. I love the smell of oats.

I'll keep everyone posted how it turns out!

ETA: Oh!! My theory behind this, hypothesis (kinda/sorta/probably not) really is - I was starving my bacteria of carbs? Protein? Fats? Anyone know?
I guess we'll see how it turns out, and then I'll know..lol

I think you're making it too complicated, and might be losing the point, which concerns me.

I'll repeat once more: Keep it simple. Just use store-bought poultry feed and water in a adequately sized, unsealed container (food-grade plastic or glass).

That's it.

The birds need a properly balanced ration.

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