FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

I have a question about baby chicks and FF. Do you ferment chick starter? Or is the flock raiser I ferment for the rest of the flock adequate for baby chicks?

Also, I vaguely recall reading something about some flock owners "immunizing" their chicks by exposing them to soil that the flock has been into contact with, in lieu of medicated chick starter. At what age should this exposure occur for maximum benefit?

I've ordered six babies out of a May hatch and am thinking ahead.

Yes, I ferment starter and I've also fed layer to the chicks...the flock raiser would be fine also. You can start that inoculating process for chicks from day one forward....just as with most babies, the immune system is being developed right away and getting exposure to those types of germs normally happens from hen to chick but in the absence of a hen, the soil will do.
She's still tattered and frayed. I got excited when I saw two feathers near her perch this morning, but I have since concluded there was no significance to it.

Still waiting to see some improvement.

But her ordeal hasn't seemed to have emotionally harmed her.
It's apple cider vinegar, but no worries.....you won't need it to make fermented feed.  This will help you get started:  https://tikktok.wordpress.com/2014/04/13/fermented-feed-faq/

..will apple cider vinegar in your flocks water hurt your garden plants and grasses?
Does anybody know? Here in the Southwest we use a high acidity vinegar to kill off grasses and unwanted plants. I believe the,"garden guy," sells a high acidic vinegar for killing off weeds in the yard.

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