FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

i have only done this 3 or 4 times. the veggies or bugs dont sit in it for three days. if i add anything to the feed it is on the second day of fermenting and in the afternoon. the morning of the third day is when they get the FF. anything that gets added is crushed or chopped up. the only reason i have been adding anything to the FF is only because i thought fermenting is suppose to help draw out the beneficial nutrients. if it helps to ferment the feed i didnt see why there would be any wrong doing in fermenting anything else you feed them. i have tried searching on google if you can add anything to the FF and i dont see anything that says you shouldnt. if you are able to explain the reasoning why i shouldnt it would be appreciated.

friday i should be able to get a new computer and i will be able to read this thread from the beginning
I would not add veggies and fruit, and certainly not animal protein b/c the purpose of fermenting your feed is to break down the anti nutrients in the grains. Fruits, veggies, and animal protein do not need to be fermented. I'd suggest that you post this question to Tikki Jane.
I would not add veggies and fruit, and certainly not animal protein b/c the purpose of fermenting your feed is to break down the anti nutrients in the grains. Fruits, veggies, and animal protein do not need to be fermented. I'd suggest that you post this question to Tikki Jane.
Makes perfect sense, fermenting starts to 'digest' the grains....anything else just rots and pretty quickly. Fermenting other foods for preservation is a whole nother story.
I would hope that you are NOT adding fruits, veggies or bugs to your FF. If you are doing so, imo you are missing the point of FF.
It doesn't hurt to add some extras, like bits of fruit or vegetables. They probably won't ferment as much but they won't bother the rest of the brew. As Lazy noted though do not add any animal products (of which bugs count) they'll just rot and will spoil it.

You can sprinkle bits of meat or bugs on top when you serve it to them, of course.
when adding the fruits veggies or bugs i have not smelled any bad smell the next morning. it has always just smelled the same as always...sour or vinegar like whichever best describes fermenting. they actually go for the bugs fruit or veggies first then the ff. if i add bugs ill just add it that morning then, but ill mix it in so everyone has a chance to eat some and not just the first ones who get to the food.

tikki jane...i will try to pm her if my computer allows me to...
Getting 3 chicks tomorrow and they are presently eating medicated feed. Should I get some of that to feed and slowly transition to FF? Or start with it from the first? 1 is a couple weeks old, the others hatched last weekend.
Getting 3 chicks tomorrow and they are presently eating medicated feed. Should I get some of that to feed and slowly transition to FF? Or start with it from the first? 1 is a couple weeks old, the others hatched last weekend.

Your choice. You can ferment medicated feed, or unmedicated. Some folks swear by medicated feed and would never consider doing anything different. I've never used medicated, never had issues with cocci. I prefer the more natural method of giving them early exposure to soil while their antibodies are at their highest. (2 week window of opportunity after hatch) There is no right or wrong answer to the medicated feed debate. Do your homework, and decide for yourself if you want your flock to receive Amprolium which is a Thiamine blocker.

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