Fermenting and microgreens


In the Brooder
May 21, 2023
So I am looking to supplement my chickens feed. I do not want to totally switch as I do want to me able to have my aunt still take care of them so feeding has to be easy.

I have read about fermenting so I get the process. Question is what type of feed should you ferment? Their normal pellets they get?

Also, I want to plant some "goodies" for them and cover with a raised chicken fencing so they are not able to pick at it until it grows thru. What are some good things to grow? Was looking at maybe doing a cover crop mix.

Thanks for your input!
Question is what type of feed should you ferment? Their normal pellets they get?
the fermenting process is beneficial with whole grains. It makes little if any difference to pelleted feed. Here's some more reading on it for you https://www.fao.org/3/x2184e/x2184e06.htm

If you want to give them greens, let them forage on your grass and whatever grows in it. If they have access to enough of it, they won't eat it all and will scarify and fertilize it as they go over it.

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