Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds


My last turkey being processed today. Only fermented feed for meet and layers. This turkey won't go into freezer I'm thankful for all the help and learning from these boards.
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I am in southern Wisconsin. How do you feed FF in winter? I stopped feeding a week ago, but the girls are still looking for their FF. They do not eat it all right away. They graze all day long. I have dry feed up right now, but want to continue the FF. I have 2 electric devices (heater for water and light) in the coop and don't want to add 1 more to my extension cord. Suggestions?
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Mine only get what they can finish in first 20 min or so. I do this 2 times a day. Around 9am and 3pm. We have short daylight hours and my birds go to roost early. I have electric waterers but no electric feeders
Ak rain
Cool bee I was trying to convince myself to once but they seem hungry. I can't free range unless I'm home
Usually we have snow now
I feed once a day, each morning, for winter time...and no feed has ever been left so long that it froze, even in subzero temps.

Beeeeeeeeeeeeee, Where have you been? So good to know you're back! How's the world treating you? How many chickens you got now? Is the weather up there got you snowed in and playin' board games with the family? (or will when they come home for Thanksgiving.) News, news? It's been too long since I know anything from you and have dearly missed knowing what you're up to. I'm one to talk tho' having had no pc for several months. (I'll never catch up on here so won't try.) Needed a new mother board. Gave up and bought a laptop from Goodwill. It is giving me fits but it is better than nothing.
I'm still doing ff, morning and evening. They free range but there is nothing for them to eat so I think they need the nite meal. They aren't fat and seem to need it. I keep my cooler of ff outside and it still ferments, not so fast of course, but still does its thing. I have 29 outside and one "house chicken" inside, a baby Barred Rock who thinks I'm her mama. Looking forward to hearing from you. XO : ) Beverly
You tell 'em how it is Linda. These newbies just think it to death, don't they. They make something so simple so incredibly complicated. How are you doing, my friend. Sorry to hear your daughter left or is leaving Austin, but I hope she's moving closer to you. Happy Thanksgiving! : )
You tell 'em how it is Linda. These newbies just think it to death, don't they. They make something so simple so incredibly complicated. How are you doing, my friend. Sorry to hear your daughter left or is leaving Austin, but I hope she's moving closer to you. Happy Thanksgiving! : )
@beverly evans . Heavens no, I'm out of Shreveport and she is moving to Vancouver Wa.
I'll just have to get my traveling boots on one of these days and tootle up to Wa. I love to travel.
@LindaB220 Yeah, after I'd written that I read the one that said where she's moving to; couldn't get much further away! But for a snowy time so different from LA it will be fun I'm sure. Even better is when the heat and humidity have got you done to go for a visit. So glad Bee's back. Me and my hens are doing good except I lost my favorite girl to a hawk a week ago. I let the dog out just in time to scare it off but not before it had ripped her head off. I went ahead and processed her. Couldn't waste that good meat, pet or not. A friend I sometimes buy chhickens from swears that since he put out two scarecrows he hasn't been bothered by hawks again. So I am going to make one like his with one of those beauty college heads that come with a full head of hair and put a rain jacket on it so it doesn't mildew and rot too soon. Hope it works. I just can't bear to lose them that way. : )

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