Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

i use a table saw. It does a very clean cut, and won't track off. I have seen DH use a cable saw (by hand) but i am not that patient. It cuts pretty easy, especially if its a power driven tool.
That's funny, my husbands initials are DH and he used a table saw for making my feeders!
Sounded like you were talking about him
I've been confused all along. Everyone is raving about the FF, but every time I try my flock on FF, they get loose stools, very watery. I've tried the 2 bucket system, and let it drain 30min or more. I've also tried mixing it very dry, but then I'm not sure it's fermenting (no bubbles). No matter what mix I use, it's too wet. After I stop the FF their stools go back to normal again. I've tried the FF 3 times now and have been unsuccessful each time. What am I doing wrong?
What are you putting in your ff? how long do you try it on your flock? seems Bee was asked this question and she said it may take some time for them to get use to it. I wish I had the answer.
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I've been confused all along. Everyone is raving about the FF, but every time I try my flock on FF, they get loose stools, very watery. I've tried the 2 bucket system, and let it drain 30min or more. I've also tried mixing it very dry, but then I'm not sure it's fermenting (no bubbles). No matter what mix I use, it's too wet. After I stop the FF their stools go back to normal again. I've tried the FF 3 times now and have been unsuccessful each time. What am I doing wrong?
My chickens also were having very loose stools. I asked about it here, and it was suggested that my feed was too wet. I now have it the consistancy of the video a couple pages back and things are much better (not 100%, but much better).
Today was my herd's first time trying FF. They attacked it! But they didn't get it all eaten before it froze. Tonight they were SO hungry that they came down off their roosts after dark in hopes of food. Does anyone else have trouble with their FF freezing solid? I'm considering getting a birdbath heater for the bottom of the dish. It's just in a big rubber bowl. I'm glad they liked it so much. I wish I had time to watch them enjoy it. Can't wait for the weekend!
About the freezing question--anyone else dealing with that? I have their waterers (2) each on a heated dogfood dish filled with sand. It's working very well so far. My FF is much soupier than I'd like so I'm going to thicken it up tomorrow with more mash and scratch. Maybe that will help. Moisture freezes, though. No way around that. Any thoughts?
My understanding is that when it is properly fermented it will not freeze (alcohol does not freeze was the reason given). I have not had my feed freeze. Our lows have been in the teens already. I may just be lucky, but the waterer not on a heater freezes, and the little feed at the bottom of the dish doesn't.
That is my experience so far.
As for the water only being at the bottom of the bucket, that was a problem for me too. I added more water. I did not re-drill my drain bucket today. I am sticking with the strainer for now.
My question is how long does it take for the feed to drain for everyone? Someone just said half an hour. I have gone to about 20 minutes, given it a shake, and dumped it into their feed bowl. I thought I was alone in the time department.
Today was my herd's first time trying FF. They attacked it! But they didn't get it all eaten before it froze. Tonight they were SO hungry that they came down off their roosts after dark in hopes of food. Does anyone else have trouble with their FF freezing solid? I'm considering getting a birdbath heater for the bottom of the dish. It's just in a big rubber bowl. I'm glad they liked it so much. I wish I had time to watch them enjoy it. Can't wait for the weekend!
About the freezing question--anyone else dealing with that? I have their waterers (2) each on a heated dogfood dish filled with sand. It's working very well so far. My FF is much soupier than I'd like so I'm going to thicken it up tomorrow with more mash and scratch. Maybe that will help. Moisture freezes, though. No way around that. Any thoughts?
Make it way less soupy. Not even a little soupy. It will help it from freezing. Do two feedings, one in the morning where they will eat everything up before it does freeze 1-4 hours.. base it on the temp for the day, and then again late afternoon.

My FF only starts to freeze under 15 degrees F.
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Some people who have to leave for the day are feeding the FF in heated dog bowls. That seems to work best for them.

As far as loose stools..in the beginning your birds might experience loose stools. It takes a while for the flora to change in the intestines and bowel. When the gut is healthy the loose stools will improve.Not all birds will react the same, some birds will have looser stools than others. It is working and getting every thing all nice and cozy, flushing out things that might not be working quite right. You might have some intestinal shedding that is all normal.

For those who are having problems with your FF, please take pictures of your set up and your feed..many people on here know exactly what it should look like...keep it simple until you have confidence. Just some water, UNACV and feed. Pretty soon you will be helping out others with there set up..

Happy Holidays!!
Some people who have to leave for the day are feeding the FF in heated dog bowls. That seems to work best for them.

As far as loose stools..in the beginning your birds might experience loose stools. It takes a while for the flora to change in the intestines and bowel. When the gut is healthy the loose stools will improve.Not all birds will react the same, some birds will have looser stools than others. It is working and getting every thing all nice and cozy, flushing out things that might not be working quite right. You might have some intestinal shedding that is all normal.

For those who are having problems with your FF, please take pictures of your set up and your feed..many people on here know exactly what it should look like...keep it simple until you have confidence. Just some water, UNACV and feed. Pretty soon you will be helping out others with there set up..

Happy Holidays!!

Some watery stools are fine if they are also laying nice hard poops as well. I get Cecal poops, nice hard ones and a few loose out of the same chicks on the FF. 80-90% appear to be hard though - which is a huge difference! Very few cecal poops. Oh and I haven't had any pasty butt his time around! Chicks are 4 weeks old and almost 100% fully feathered. They do not have a heat lamp anymore, but are still in the basement. Baby steps. I plan to set up their brooder in the barn with a heat source until they are 8-10 weeks with the heat going off during the day at 7 weeks. It's pretty cold here right now. Have to acclimate them slowly.

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