Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Hi all! I have been researching FF and have decided to finally give it a go. However I'm having trouble finding how to make it.

I've got a 5gal bucket, some layer pellets, black oil sunflower seeds, and was wondering if I HAD to have the scratch grains?

I read I just cover the feed with water, this prevents mold, and stir every couple hours. Is that how you start it?

A lot of people are using ACV, but I don't have any right now. I plan on getting some next shopping trip. Will white vinegar do the same or is it not even necessary to have it?

How long does it ferment for? How do.I know when it is ready?

Once I have a good sample.going, how do I maintain a steady supply?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm new and pretty clueless on this
Hi all! I have been researching FF and have decided to finally give it a go. However I'm having trouble finding how to make it.

I've got a 5gal bucket, some layer pellets, black oil sunflower seeds, and was wondering if I HAD to have the scratch grains?
Nope you dont need scratch grains. You can use just the pellets and BOSS
I read I just cover the feed with water, this prevents mold, and stir every couple hours. Is that how you start it?
yes thats it
A lot of people are using ACV, but I don't have any right now. I plan on getting some next shopping trip. Will white vinegar do the same or is it not even necessary to have it?
If your going to use ACV it has to have mother in in. Its the mother thats starts the fermenting. But just covering it with water and letting the water & bacteria in the air will get it started. Its just takes longer
How long does it ferment for? How do.I know when it is ready?
Its constantly fermenting once you get it started. It will have bubbles when you stir it and get a gray whitish covering on the top
Once I have a good sample.going, how do I maintain a steady supply?
you just add water and more feed as you take FF out. The slop (water stuff in the FF) will keep it happily fermenting
Sorry for all the questions. I'm new and pretty clueless on this
Wuestions are always welcome. you can browse thru the thread as well. There are pics of what it looks like once it starts fermenting, what others add to their feed, etc.
If you are going to start chicks on the FF with chick starter do you still put BOSS in it or should you wait until they are older for it? I just read the last post and saw that you are adding it to the layer pellets but I am assuming I would wait to give it to chicks.
If you are going to start chicks on the FF with chick starter do you still put BOSS in it or should you wait until they are older for it? I just read the last post and saw that you are adding it to the layer pellets but I am assuming I would wait to give it to chicks.

Chicks can't handle BOSS until they are older. It's too big for them.
Awesome! Thank you! I just got my batch started! I know just soaking the feed ups the available nutritional content, and fermenting helps even more. I read it takes 2-5 days to ferment, and this heat speeds it up even more. Am I just looking for the film you mentioned or are there other signs as to when its ready?

And once the bacteria is established, it will ferment the newly added feed overnight? It works that fast?

I tried searching through the thread, but its not that easy to do on my phone. Its my only internet. Cheaper this way!
Awesome! Thank you! I just got my batch started! I know just soaking the feed ups the available nutritional content, and fermenting helps even more. I read it takes 2-5 days to ferment, and this heat speeds it up even more. Am I just looking for the film you mentioned or are there other signs as to when its ready?

And once the bacteria is established, it will ferment the newly added feed overnight? It works that fast?

I tried searching through the thread, but its not that easy to do on my phone. Its my only internet. Cheaper this way!

you will see the fermentation in the fact that you should have a carbonization effect, and (some) develop a light film over the top.

Mine looks like this:

That's a film of carbonization (buncha air bubbles) with a clear hooch under it. I never get a "gray whitish coating" - just the 'foam' as shown in the photo. Under that hooch, and on top of the feed, there will be a slimy layer of "gunk"...that gunk is the mother growing and is your best friend.

As for 'overnight'...yes and no. Yes, you will begin to ferment within hours (especially here where our days are hitting in the mid 80s or higher, already); but, letting it go for a good bit is beneficial. You'd really be better suited to have two buckets if you are feeding twice a day instead of just once. 24 hours is good to help ensure the probiotics are going full swing, the phytic and oxalic acids have been broken down and all the other good things that come from fermenting are well underway...and, really, most recommend at least two days for oxalic and phytic acid breakdown.
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