Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I have had people call the ambulance for an eyelash in thier eye, being thirsty (both of those young healthy 20 somthing people), paper cut, cat scratch to the leg that didn't even bleed, literally barely red and didn't break the skin and less then 1/2 inch long on her thigh. Normal people would be shocked at what some people call the ambulance for or take themselves to the ER for.

hehehe... I notice this a lot in the young adults. (no offense meant to anyone) especially under 30. We had a good old fashioned barn raising, 40' x 60' when we moved my parents here. Friend, relative, neighbor, I cooked a huge spread that weekend, both days. I cut wood, handed up the sheet metal, etc in between. The older folks, all us us had smashed fingers, cuts, scrapes, usual stuff that happens. The strapping 20 year old big guys would be acting like they died every time they had a scrape! I was very grateful for all the help, of course.. But..wow. bandaids and antibiotics on a scrape? The one boy i swear he went white, i finally made him sit down. (Oh, my) he had a splinter so i pulled it out. My DH asked me that Sunday night if i noticed anything about the kids that helped..hehe. I just smiled. His words were "geez.. they need to learn to suck it up!" I have 2 grown girls, they learned young to not sweat the small stuff. my oldest had tons of scraped knees, and would just climb right back up that tree or on that bike. My youngest is a "girlie" girl, but she blows it off too. Think its just how you were brought up.
I have had people call the ambulance for an eyelash in thier eye, being thirsty (both of those young healthy 20 somthing people), paper cut, cat scratch to the leg that didn't even bleed, literally barely red and didn't break the skin and less then 1/2 inch long on her thigh. Normal people would be shocked at what some people call the ambulance for or take themselves to the ER for.
I never knew people called ambulances for such things till I became a 911 dispatcher in the inner city.......and I was an EMT for 16 years before that!!!! But living in the southtowns people here didnt call ambulances for a ride
I never knew people called ambulances for such things till I became a 911 dispatcher in the inner city.......and I was an EMT for 16 years before that!!!! But living in the southtowns people here didnt call ambulances for a ride
I live and work in rural OK, but I work for a service that is both rural and urban and we get the "taxi ride" calls all the time. You know the ones that when you get there they have a suit case packed and all the snack food they will need. (twinkies, doritos, soda etc....)
loved reading the last 5 pages, nice to be around people who take action.
i have cut off relationships and pretty much stop giving advice. whats the point when no one listens anyway, they just wanna do what they wanna do. my mom doesnt see how i can "be that way" but i have family who i just dont associate with because they have the means to change their situation just like my parents did and how i did, but they choose to live that way and complain about it and i am tired of hearing it.
there is one girl at work who is ALWAYS complaining about money. after 1 week of hearing it every day i finally told her she should get a second job. she hasnt complained to me since.

so, i have been crazy busy this week, training two new people at work, and my mom has been taking care of the animals. i went out to clean the coop today and i think my ff smells a little sour, not sweet like it used to be. is it a goner? i have been using a small bucket and havent paid any attention to it for 2 days. i'm thinking about going to a larger bucket this weekend because my flock really love the ff, but i'm afraid i'll screw it up again.. do i need to throw out the sour or is it salvageable?

thanks for this great thread
hahah. we are all complaining about people complaining.
loved reading the last 5 pages, nice to be around people who take action.
i have cut off relationships and pretty much stop giving advice. whats the point when no one listens anyway, they just wanna do what they wanna do. my mom doesnt see how i can "be that way" but i have family who i just dont associate with because they have the means to change their situation just like my parents did and how i did, but they choose to live that way and complain about it and i am tired of hearing it.
there is one girl at work who is ALWAYS complaining about money. after 1 week of hearing it every day i finally told her she should get a second job. she hasnt complained to me since.

so, i have been crazy busy this week, training two new people at work, and my mom has been taking care of the animals. i went out to clean the coop today and i think my ff smells a little sour, not sweet like it used to be. is it a goner? i have been using a small bucket and havent paid any attention to it for 2 days. i'm thinking about going to a larger bucket this weekend because my flock really love the ff, but i'm afraid i'll screw it up again.. do i need to throw out the sour or is it salvageable?

thanks for this great thread


For your FF all you need to do is "feed" it a little more dry feed. Just keep going with what's in the bucket. If there's no mold you should be fine.
That sour just means it is more fermented...nothing wrong with it at all. Just add fresh feed to it, little water and give it a stir. The more fermented, the more beneficial enzymes.
thank you both for the replies, i'm glad there is hope. mom had added 2 cups of feed today and it was like a super chunky peanut butter. i was worried because i usually keep it wetter so i can watch it bubble when i stir, thats my favorite part! i will add more water in the morning, and prob a tiny more acv.
also, bee, thank you so much for your advice on pouring the mother acv in regular acv, you have saved me so much money! right now i have 3 containers of the good stuff :)

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