Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

mixing my first batch ever right NOW!
Welcome to the Fermenting Feed addiction. Your dogs are next. Their feed takes about two days.
You're right... guess it serves me right for feeling smart for about 5 minutes. Oh well. I was close though.

Oh no, you were dead on sweetie. I just wanted to add that in for anyone using some odd numbered parts. I just learned it last night, so I got to feel smart for about five minutes too.
Does anybody know what foods are beneficial to say feather quality, or organ health, or energy etc etc etc?

I know BOSS is good for feather quality and energy because of the oils but are there other foods that anyone knows about?

Do you just mean in grains, or other foods too, like greens, insects? Boss is probably one of the best grains, and I can't help but think peas are beneficial also.
Anything at all. What I'm looking for is "___________________ is good for __________________ (and hopefully) because of _______________"

Greens like spinach, collards, mustard are high vit A, cabbage is said to have calcium. Peanuts, cooked unsalted are a good protein too. My birds love shredded carrots, wont touch the whole ones. Garlic is a natural wormer, same for pumpkin. Mealworms are excellent protein too. Tomatoes vit C, there's a really good treat chart on byc at:
Hope that helps a lil

ETA for my terrible spelling
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Feathers are mostly protein right? so it seems animal /veg protein would be good. mine get meal worms daily as their animal protein, through the winter months then when it warms up they'll have to find their own. I think I maybe feeding them too much though because last eve. a couple hens were standing outside their coop and a tiny mouse skittered by and it got their attention but they didn't even try to get it.

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