Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Quote: well this is the thing...... Those silkies dont like me, they like DH... go figure.......
so he said if I cut feathers on their head he will cut mine, I am not worried as I dont have feathers on my head.

But honestly how silly will they look>? I guess better than right now aint?
Question for all of you with ducks...my FF is all flock and scratch, is that ok for ducks? I'm really considering Runners, but need to keep everything simple, so I would prefer not to have two different kinds of FF.
QUESTION FF is really messing my silkies face head feathers, suggestions please? they really love it, but the gals have bob marely do frozen in place right now!! And should I wash them? so afraid its still cold!! I dont think it will hurt them like that, but it has to be annoying dangling in shreads at their faces!

I am looking forward to my silkies having messsy faces...10 days left!! Go Go silkie eggs!!

If it get to bad, and if you are not showing..cut them off. I think many trim silkie faces, it also helps with vision I am told. I think the weather will be nicee when my silkies have enough face feathers to worry about it. Next winter I will be crying about frozen feathers and FF.
I took a perfect picture yesterday to show exactly what Sally is describing LOL. I gave all of them haircuts. Shows aren't until next fall anyway.
I added some cracked corn to my fermented grains this time and tossed a couple handfuls out of just the cracked corn dry, you would have thought I was tossing out chocolate bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They really went crazy for that cracked corn and it wasn't even fermented yet. I know it's not nutritionally the best for them but they really liked it.
I am in the process of setting up to start FF. But I'm a little confused about what the protein content of the mix should be. I found the formula for figuring out the finished mix % based on the individual percentages and how many parts there are. But how is the % affected by the fact that fementing it increases the protein? What is the ideal % for laying hens? Right now I just feed a standard commercial feed, I think it's 16%. But I want to add scratch grains, or hopefully find somewhere I can get other whole grains. Any input is appreciated!

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