Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I just found this thread and read through about 30 pages before skipping to the end, lol. I can't wait to try this with my flocks. I have Pekin ducks and several breeds of chickens; 98 total chickens ranging in age from day old to 2 years old. I will also be sprouting fodder for them. Hopefully my feed bill will get a big relief from these endeavors!
I just found this thread and read through about 30 pages before skipping to the end, lol. I can't wait to try this with my flocks. I have Pekin ducks and several breeds of chickens; 98 total chickens ranging in age from day old to 2 years old. I will also be sprouting fodder for them. Hopefully my feed bill will get a big relief from these endeavors!
You should take before FF pictures of your flock and eggs whole and broken in a bowl..
and after FF for one month and than three months..

Record how much they eat now and after FF. You should save 1/4 of your feed bill. Some save more

You will not go back.
Well I tried the rubbing of silkies feathers, thats not gonna happen, she is seriously dread locked, think I should change her name to Marley? So I will clip them tonight.
Aoxa, do you have the inside of your coop painted a rusty red? Is there a specific reason for this? Does it help with anything? I love the color, just wondering if it does something for the birds or is it just restful for your eyes?
The part the birds currently reside in is an addition to the original barn which was painted this red colour.

You can see the addition to the right. The big open door is where the birds live, and what was added to the original structure.

You can see where there were windows and such.

I like the look of the red, but I wouldn't go through the trouble painting the interior :)
I was going to say something a bit snarky about aoxa blood red walls and thought most would not get my humor...
What, you don't like my blood red walls? :p
I love them..I want my kitchen that color.
no you dont! I hate it, dust seems to show up on them for some stupid reason!! the dark color???? uggggggg I am forever washing walls! I never used to wash any walls

Well I tried the fermented dog food, it was an epic fail, they didn't want to eat it at all, and after then did they vomitted.

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