Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Looking for some advice, I want to stick with a fermented natural feeding method. How can I add more protein? The mix of wheat, oats, and corn is only about 9% Looking for any suggestions. Thanks!
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds can help up protein..

The general nutritional components of black oil sunflower seed are:
  • 28 percent fat
  • 25 percent fiber
  • 15 percent protein
  • Calcium
  • B vitamins
  • Iron
  • Vitamin E
  • Potassium
I am wanting to start using ff for my meat birds that will be here the beginning of march and for my layers, but the only place I have to start it would be my basement which is pretty cold. I was planning on using the double bucket method, but had an idea to use a heated bucket that I have left over from when we had a horse. Think that would warm the feed enough to get it started in a rather chilly basement?
I like this idea..but doesn't the 'drainage' make a mess in the coop? I dig the set up!
No mess. I keep my FF double buckets in the house for the winter. I also don't keep it on the soupy side. More like thick oatmeal. I scoop out what I need in the house into a colander. Drain it a bit while I put on my boots. I spoon it into the pans and it's gone in a half hour. My birds free range all day. If the weather is dirty, I feed again late afternoon. My pens are all DL. The hens stir it up daily. No wet spots.
I can tell you the fireplace really helped with getting the ferment rolling. I still never noticed any 'bubbling' or 'milky' substance on it. But I can say that it had an odor when I opened it up. I had added fresh finely chopped oregano and garlic to the feed. Smelled like wet dough. This time around when I had to add more crumbles to continue I added about 4 cups of feed, 3T of UnACV and enough water plus a bit more to reach oatmeal consistency. Hopefully I'm not doing them any harm! I feel like I have one that has almost constantly runny poo. I don't think I see any blood in it. Other than that I've just had to clean 2-3 butts..even then the poo was just stuck to the feathers on the back..not actually to their vent.

I'm quoting myself on this one here. After adding MORE water (enough to cover by an inch or so) I do have the 'milky white' substance on top.

I've also been talking to another member quite a bit who used Kefir to jump start. She's also told me that you don't really need anything to start the fermenting process. Food, water to cover one inch. Stir and check to make sure the food is under the water. Prime to look (rather smell)for is a light 'pickle jar' smell.

Wonder what everyone uses to ferment their feed...
I started my ferment with my excess sourdough starter from feedings that I would normally put down the drain. Worked perfectly!! I also keep mine in my pantry during the winter and move it outside when it warms up.

It's correct that you don't need anything to start the fermenting process as there is wild yeast everywhere. Just leave the lid cracked or off your bucket for awhile and you will eventually capture some of this yeast. Albeit, it does take longer to start the process but if you have patience it can be done. Find someone that has a sourdough starter and ask them if you can have some of it when they get ready to feed their starter again. :)
I used the sourdough starter in my meat bird ferment last spring. I must say that they were the tastiest birds we have ever raised and hubby was especially happy that they didn't stink so it must have been good for them and they loved it as do my girls!

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