Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

How big are your meaties? Mine are about the same age as yours (they will be 6 weeks this Wednesday) so I am trying to find some kind of gage of where they should be. This is my first batch of meaties ever. I am keeping a record feed use as well as weekly weigh ins for all birds. I am learning and reading a lot along the way. I just had to cull one this morning with a bum leg. It dressed out just under two pounds.
Honestly, I have no clue. I haven't weighed any so far. I know they are not big enough to process yet, but it seems like they are almost doubling in size everyday. I opted for a slower growing breed with restricted FF and free ranging. Between them and my layers I have only gone threw about 100# of feed. The cost was not a concern of mine, mostly I wanted a better raised chicken.
I have a question Of "you ladies of wisdom", I have these 25 meaties and am feeding them 12 on 12 off, with starter grower. They like to take the skin off my fingers before I can get it in the tractor/brooder lol. I'm about to start with FF as well, so the question is how do you judge how much feed to put in there? with the crumbles you just keep on filling it til 12 hours are up, is it the same with FF? I'm not sure how much protein is in "fingers" but if I'm not careful they will be well fed... This my 2nd year with meatys, 15 last year and supposed to be 30 this year but 7 0r 8 croaked and 1 has a bad leg, these birds are weird, like spooky unnatural they more than quadrupled in size in 3 weeks. they ain't right.

Buy a gutter and end caps. My toes were the target before I made a bigger feeder, I don't think they are too bright, I cave caught mine trying to eat the chicken wire off the side of their tractor AFTER I let them out. All those beautiful bugs and they want the cage??? The funny thing is mine forage wonderfully so I have no clue why they do it.
Not yet acclimating to outside temps, was in the 40's last night just about 65 right now so heat lamp is lit just for heating the air in the garage. They are not feathered all the way. They were out the other day when it was almost 80, just didn't know what to do lol. I'll probably keep them in the tractor and keep moving it. My hens free range all the time, out at 7 in at dark.

The never ending poop will run you from that idea.
@RoseMarie, Galanie, Perchie Girl... I sure can identify with what y'all are talking about. I have trouble with cholesterol, blood pressure (because of fluid) and aches and pains and I definitely need to lose a chunk of weight. The weight has never bothered me until now. This year my hips and knees are giving me fits. I really seriously need to get on a weight loss plan that I can do and lose some.
Most people fail because they 'go on a diet' The best way is to make lasting life style changes. When I stopped drinking soda (and I wasn't drinking more than one 16 oz one most days) I lost 5 pounds in a month. (diet soda is no better, the aspartame in it is not good stuff). When I quit putting sugar in my ice tea I lost another 5 pounds. Just piling on more veggies on your plate and skipping the pasta will also help and you will be healthier for it.

Over the past three years I have gradually changed things; I very rarely, like maybe every couple months, eat fast food and then I try to go for a decent salad. I don't drink soda of any kind ever. I rarely eat candy or sweets. I don't usually cook pasta at home; if I have a starchy side it's brown rice or potatoes. I eat a LOT of veggies and fruit, especially dark leafy greens like mixed baby lettuce, kale, collards ect, I have a huge salad once a day of these (as in two or three cup fuls) with a sliced apple or other fruit, some cheese, marinated olives, sometimes other additions. The marinated olives and cheese give a nice flavor and I use no other salad dressing. I dont' eat sandwiches, biscuits, bread or other wheat products more than twice a week. That right there helped me take off about 20 pounds without trying.

It's about little baby steps here and there. Also increasing your activity level. And that is also something you can do gradually; instead of parking close to the front door, park at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the store as fast as you can. If you don't have time to go for a walk or on your break at work stand and run in place for five or ten minutes. Every little bit helps.
Most people fail because they 'go on a diet' The best way is to make lasting life style changes. When I stopped drinking soda (and I wasn't drinking more than one 16 oz one most days) I lost 5 pounds in a month. (diet soda is no better, the aspartame in it is not good stuff). When I quit putting sugar in my ice tea I lost another 5 pounds. Just piling on more veggies on your plate and skipping the pasta will also help and you will be healthier for it.

Over the past three years I have gradually changed things; I very rarely, like maybe every couple months, eat fast food and then I try to go for a decent salad. I don't drink soda of any kind ever. I rarely eat candy or sweets. I don't usually cook pasta at home; if I have a starchy side it's brown rice or potatoes. I eat a LOT of veggies and fruit, especially dark leafy greens like mixed baby lettuce, kale, collards ect, I have a huge salad once a day of these (as in two or three cup fuls) with a sliced apple or other fruit, some cheese, marinated olives, sometimes other additions.  The marinated olives and cheese give a nice flavor and I use no other salad dressing. I dont' eat sandwiches, biscuits, bread or other wheat products more than twice a week. That right there helped me take off about 20 pounds without trying.

It's about little baby steps here and there. Also increasing your activity level. And that is also something you can do gradually; instead of parking close to the front door, park at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the store as fast as you can.  If you don't have time to go for a walk or on your break at work stand and run in place for five or ten minutes. Every little bit helps.

Thank you very much for the tips Mary. Nobody would believe it but... the majority of the time there are no sugary drinks at my house (other than sweet tea), I don't fry foods very often, I only ocassionally eat sweets, I live out in the country so fast food is maybe 2-3 times a month, I eat very little bread and very little pasta. Walking far or fast and especially running is out of the question because I chipped or tore something in my knee not long ago. I have family members who have tried every diet that has come out but I have never been one to "diet". I do LOVE salad especially and vegetables that are not overcooked. I guess my thing is going to have to be portion size and some alternate form of exercise (at home). But I have got to lose some.
Thank you very much for the tips Mary. Nobody would believe it but... the majority of the time there are no sugary drinks at my house (other than sweet tea), I don't fry foods very often, I only ocassionally eat sweets, I live out in the country so fast food is maybe 2-3 times a month, I eat very little bread and very little pasta. Walking far or fast and especially running is out of the question because I chipped or tore something in my knee not long ago. I have family members who have tried every diet that has come out but I have never been one to "diet". I do LOVE salad especially and vegetables that are not overcooked. I guess my thing is going to have to be portion size and some alternate form of exercise (at home). But I have got to lose some.
sounds like you are on the right track. Maybe cut the sugar in the tea if you drink a lot of it? When I was younger my ex had to have a ton of sugar in his tea. In the beginning it was like 2 cups of sugar to a gallon. I took a year tapering off to 1 cup and another year to get down to about 1/4 cup. After that I could go no sugar at all, especially in real hot weather with lots of ice.

You might try exercising that leg while sitting in a chair, so it doesn't have to carry any weight, but just move and strengthen the muscles and tendons. I have a bad back, tendonitis in both elbows and have injured both knees in the past. I have just learned what is going to cause problems and what moves I can do that won't. Slow and easy is the key when you have an injury. I twisted a knee really bad years ago, swelled up like a football. No insurance, no dr. I just put a elastic brace on it and hobbled around. for awhile. Over time it got better, tho it was almost two years before I could sit Indian style on the floor or squat without pain or trouble getting up. Usually does not bother me now.
I have bad feet/ankles from birth, and painful hips that the Dr, after the MRI said is actually from arthritis in my lower back and referred pain to the hip area, and asthma so cardio is a challenge for me. I am thinking seriously about getting a bicycle for exercise.
sounds like  you are on the right track. Maybe cut the sugar in the tea if you drink a lot of it? When I was younger my ex had to have a ton of sugar in his tea. In the beginning it was like 2 cups of sugar to a gallon. I took a year tapering off to 1 cup and another year to get down to about 1/4 cup. After that I could go no sugar at all, especially in real hot weather with lots of ice.

You might try exercising that leg while sitting in a chair, so it doesn't have to carry any weight, but just move and strengthen the muscles and tendons. I have a bad back, tendonitis in both elbows and have injured both knees in the past. I have just learned what is going to cause problems and what moves I can do that won't. Slow and easy is the key when you have an injury. I twisted a knee really bad years ago, swelled up like a football. No insurance, no dr. I just put a elastic brace on it and hobbled around. for awhile. Over time it got better, tho it was almost two years before I could sit Indian style on the floor or squat without pain or trouble getting up. Usually does not bother me now.

You would think I was on the right track but I sure don't look that way! I put about 3/4 cup of sugar in a gallon of tea and yep I drink quite a bit of it. Sometimes it feels like the most pleasure I get out of food. lol My knee is definitely not in good shape. That is now the main reason I have to lose the weight, so I have real motivation now. I just hope I can do it. I had been hobbling around on my knee for about a month with it really sore then one day while I was out doing something is snapped and oh my gosh the pain! That has been about 2 months. I finallly got in to see the doctor and go back here in a week or two. When I first did it I couldn't walk on it hardly at all. Now it still hurts some and the longer I'm on it the more it hurts and swells. It really pisses me off because it is all my own fault. I sure would tell young people that maybe your extra weight doesn't bother you BUT it takes a HUGE toll on your joints over time and there will come a day that you will pay dearly for it!!! LOSE IT NOW!

@Kassaundra... Last year I was doing good on the treadmill, had got up to walking 45 min to an hour at a pretty fast pace really. Now I guess I may as well sell the treadmill and use a bicycle also. I actually have one (stationary bicycle) but haven't used it for a while because it is so dang boring. lol I had my treadmill outside and loved it! I suppose I could put the stationary bike outside...hmm. I'm just going to have to put on my big girl panties (HA! already got some on!) and do what I gotta do!
Funny, I was raised in the south yet can't stand sugar in my tea. But diet soda, oh yes, I do drink that awful stuff. Gradually I'm going over to the Paleo way of eating. It started of course with the natural animal fats and is continuing with more veggies and less sugar and wheat. I've always been open minded about what to eat so it helps. Thing is, like someone already said, you can't think of it as a "Diet" such as: I eat this way for x amount of time and lose x amount of weight then go back to eating like I did before. That doesn't make any sense when you think about it.

Do what you've always done and you'll get the results you always did. Gotta change the whole thing, not just a temp change here and there.

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