Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Quote: I am not a sweet eater and though I do like things that have bread I can live without them..... Its Fruit I have a hard time giving up thats why I thought Paleo would be good. I also LOVE Sushi. Not the rolls the Nigiri which has Rice but just enough to go with the bite of fish. I can do Sashimi Which is fish alone but its that rice/wasabi/soysauce/ for a dip flavor profile I love. Thank goodness its something that I cant fix for myself.

I am going to have to look up Wheat Belly to see what it entails.

Quote: I totally agree with you. Too many people would rather rely on chemicals and over-complicated remedies for their birds rather than the simpler things like maintaining their immune systems. Recently I have switched my whole flock of ducks and chickens over to fermented feed, thanks to you, and the information in this thread.
Also, I don't know if you ever decided to write a book or if it was just a random idea, but you should.
I whole heartedly agree on this. I have banged heads on more than one occasion with people here and on other outside groups. People who are quick to give them antibiotics or use chemicals. I dont vaccinate except that which is proven and reliable. This goes for all my animals including myself.

I say quick to use chemicals but to be honest while I would rather not I will use them to get a handle on a problem that might be getting out of control. But there are great organic ones out there.... Orange OIl for one. But I tell people If you eradicate all the bad bugs in your area you also eradicate the beneficial.

I went gluten free years ago b/c of an allergy, and along w/ that drastically reduced my grain / carb / starch eating and didn't lose any weight. I gave up soda (now I drink diet, but the time I'm talking about gave it up entirely) and didn't lose an ounce, my husband switched from sugar soda to diet at the same time that I gave it up entirely and HE lost 10 lbs!!!!!!
I've had my thyroid checked twice and it is in a normal range. (over several years)
Update on the soup roosters. They are cleaning up their FF and seem to like their cleaner digs~they are smelling and looking cleaner already! I got shavings today to start a deep litter under the sheltered end and will also rake some leaves up and throw in there so they aren't stepping on wet, trampled, poopy ground all the time. As you can imagine, confining birds to a pen/run is not in my wheelhouse and I'm finding it very difficult to watch the pacing, the boredom, the lack of any true chicken behavior. I'll be very surprised if I keep them confined like this for 2 whole weeks....my heart may just not be able to take it, seriously.

Unfortunately little Silkie roo has taken a wrong turn into Deliverance territory and is the guy to pick on, so he spends a lot of time up on the roost. But, I noticed they were all on the roost tonight as opposed to the first night when the two youngest roos were on the ground. No silkies are being harmed in the making of this film...he's just getting his furry little head pecked now and again when he's walking along being a sissy.

So, if I'm going to continue to collect soup birds, I'm going to start building a deep litter in this little temporary holding area. I'm also going to place a low tub full of dusting materials so they can finally dust...these poor birds had no dry soil in which to dust and none that wasn't deeply contaminated with feces.

LOL.... I had a Silky roo who thought he was all that... In the other pen were my Wellsummers all LF Very good stock suprisingly bought from a hatchery here in CA. I had four roos and Twenty hens in the next pen. Well My Silky roo's name was Truffle. He was a mumbler hed walk and scratch mumbling all the time and he was soo black the only way to see his eyes was to look for those shiny spots. He was always looking for that door to open to the Wellie pen..... more than ones hed hop over my blocking foot and make his bid for more GIRLS....

One day I wasnt quick enough and he hopped over and through the water tub to get in with the Wellies. Where upon he attacked the BIGGEST Wellie Roo I had. Who was really a mellow fellow good with the girls and good at managing the other roos. He didnt back down though. There were thumbs and feathers flying and all I could do was grab Truffle by one foot. He was still trying to Scrap till I got his other foot an hung him upside down.

Where upon he gave up hung his wings like..... "Ok I give up...." its always amazing to me how soft and warm chicken feet are. I took my time getting the gate back open before letting him go back with his OWN girls. I had to lay him down on the ground though because he had completely relaxed hanging upside down like that. He layed there a moment like.... "OK.... am I ok now.... yep OK...." and he hopped up and started mumbling snd strutting for his girls.

Gawd I love chickens.... too funny.

My next brooder is going to be on wire.... covered with shelf liner at first while they are itsy but by week two it will be wire. I tried to brood up 40 Guinea Keets in tubs and it was a nightmare between the poo and the spilled or knocked over water and feed. Guinea Keets are very very active little Jack Booters.... they run screaming every time they see you for the first couple of weeks too.

For what its worth they wont get acclimatized in the garage.... Is there a way you can rig a spot out in the coop where they can go to get warmed up? I have seen old time warming units which are just four legs with a lamp on top and fabric hanging down in strips on the sides to keep the heat in. The chicks come and go from in there to get warmed up or to nap what ever they need. If you can make the legs on the warmer adjustable so you can raise it up as they grow.

Funny, I was raised in the south yet can't stand sugar in my tea. But diet soda, oh yes, I do drink that awful stuff. Gradually I'm going over to the Paleo way of eating. It started of course with the natural animal fats and is continuing with more veggies and less sugar and wheat. I've always been open minded about what to eat so it helps. Thing is, like someone already said, you can't think of it as a "Diet" such as: I eat this way for x amount of time and lose x amount of weight then go back to eating like I did before. That doesn't make any sense when you think about it.

Do what you've always done and you'll get the results you always did. Gotta change the whole thing, not just a temp change here and there.

No that really doesn't make any sense, does it? I have family that does this for a while and that for a while then next "you have to do this"... blah blah blah. Forget that! Now they are on the Lap-Band kick. To them anybody that is fat and can't lose it needs to just run and get that surgery and that will solve everything! Get real! I know it takes a whole change of heart and mind to accomplish it and keep it off. All you have to do is eat right, which is easier said than done.

I don't like diet drinks at all. To me they are just so sweet and they all leave that nasty after-taste. Yuck! I'm glad I don't like them because I sure don't need another bad habit to kick. lol If I was rich and had my own personal grocery shopper and chef I could do it. LOL
As a lifetime member of Weight Watchers I know about that whole life style change issue. What works for one person may not work for another. For what its worth with WW I lost 56 pounds in 26 weeks which put me at goal weight which I kept for a good two years afterwords. All eating foods I liked because I learned how to cook them in a healthy manner. And If I had been able to keep up on my active lifestyle I probably would be still there.

I used to walk a half mile before lunch while at work. Then after work I would change and go for a ride on my horse for a couple of hours. Back then i would ride a while then get off and lead a while good for both of us. Then after bringing him back in and tending his needs i would go home eat some dinner usually a stir fry with a little protien and lots of veggies. Then I would go dancing. Country and western was big in those days and I was a Clogger. Even had high heel tap shoes.

That was almost thirty years ago. life happens.... And I am starting over. I couldnt make the connection with WW again the program has changed so many times since my day and now with the internet I can do all this research on line.

deb "who is rambling right now... sorry"
Funny, I was raised in the south yet can't stand sugar in my tea. But diet soda, oh yes, I do drink that awful stuff. Gradually I'm going over to the Paleo way of eating. It started of course with the natural animal fats and is continuing with more veggies and less sugar and wheat. I've always been open minded about what to eat so it helps. Thing is, like someone already said, you can't think of it as a "Diet" such as: I eat this way for x amount of time and lose x amount of weight then go back to eating like I did before. That doesn't make any sense when you think about it.

Do what you've always done and you'll get the results you always did. Gotta change the whole thing, not just a temp change here and there.

No that really doesn't make any sense, does it? I have family that does this for a while and that for a while then next "you have to do this"... blah blah blah. Forget that! Now they are on the Lap-Band kick. To them anybody that is fat and can't lose it needs to just run and get that surgery and that will solve everything! Get real! I know it takes a whole change of heart and mind to accomplish it and keep it off. All you have to do is eat right, which is easier said than done.

I don't like diet drinks at all. To me they are just so sweet and they all leave that nasty after-taste. Yuck! I'm glad I don't like them because I sure don't need another bad habit to kick. lol If I was rich and had my own personal grocery shopper and chef I could do it. LOL
Gawd. All that money spent just because they don't want to eat "expensive" fresh veggies and things. LOL. But yet I've been there. Odd thing, once I gave up junk food and convenience foods and starting eating real fats, I also quit giving a hoot about my weight. And I am now down to just about my ideal weight. Not that I've ever had a real problem with it, but I was pretty chunky a few years ago.
As a lifetime member of Weight Watchers I know about that whole life style change issue.  What works for one person may not work for another.   For what its worth with WW I lost 56 pounds in 26 weeks which put me at goal weight which I kept for a good two years afterwords.  All eating foods I liked because I learned how to cook them in a healthy manner.  And If I had been able to keep up on my active lifestyle I probably would be still there.
I used to walk a half mile before lunch while at work.  Then after work I would change and go for a ride on my horse for a couple of hours.  Back then i would ride a while then get off and lead a while good for both of us.  Then after bringing him back in and tending his needs i would go home eat some dinner usually a stir fry with a little protien and lots of veggies.  Then I would go dancing.  Country and western was big in those days and I was a Clogger.  Even had high heel tap shoes.
That was almost thirty years ago.  life happens....  And I am starting over.  I couldnt make the connection with WW again the program has changed so many times since my day and now with the internet I can do all this research on line.  
deb "who is rambling right now... sorry"

I know very well what you mean about life happening! In my younger days I was active and physically strong. I worked on the farm a lot and enjoyed the hard work. I eventually got a good paying job that was very physically confining. Then life started down hill.

I tried WW about a year ago. All the details just took to long. I just didn't want to have to take all that time to "study and plan" what I was going to eat three times a day!
I whole heartedly agree on this. I have banged heads on more than one occasion with people here and on other outside groups. People who are quick to give them antibiotics or use chemicals. I dont vaccinate except that which is proven and reliable. This goes for all my animals including myself.

I say quick to use chemicals but to be honest while I would rather not I will use them to get a handle on a problem that might be getting out of control. But there are great organic ones out there.... Orange Oil for one. But I tell people If you eradicate all the bad bugs in your area you also eradicate the beneficial.

What do you do with orange oil?

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