Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

In Asian Cuisene the black flesh of the Silky is very much prized. For flavor and percieved medicinal qualities. If there is an Asian Community in your area consider raising up Silkys.....

Silky Superfood

I found my little guys to be quite personable.... I dont care for fether footed birds either but these were OK. They had a conformation much like Bee's Silky.... and I would LOVE to have a partridge silky. Another role Silkys do for the flock is they are incredible broodies... Even the boys will warm up a chick if it needs it.

I have been to China on two occasions, and wondered what those funny looking black chickens (dead and plucked of course) in the market were....well, now I know! Love my silkies! Won't eat them though! Perchie girl....I have a beautiful partridge roo you can have
! I will be with my son at MCRD on Saturday for a fundraising obstacle course run (hint, hint)! I hatched 18 Catdance eggs in March and 5 Garry Farm eggs in February,and got 15 roosters
!!! Needless to say, it has been a noisy summer! And oh yes, "Go team Silkie!"
In Asian countries the silkies black skin and meat are prized as both a delicacy, and a medicinal soup. It is an up and coming "healthy food craze" by the proverbial "they", that say it is higher in antioxidants and other good stuff.

There are a lot of things Asians eat as a delicacy and for medicine that I would not get near my skin, let alone my mouth!
But, I'm betting these birds taste like...chicken.
You guys, this is completely off topic but... Would you believers please say a prayer for the Christians in Pakistan? Especially the Christians in Peshawar, Pakistan. This past Sunday the Taliban did a suicide bombing at a church in Peshawar and about 125 Christians have died. They were bombed as they were leaving church. The Taliban did it because of the US drone attacks on them in the Peshawar area (on the border of Afghanistan). They have promised 300 more attacks on Christians. I asked my friend in Pakistan what he thought should be done, stop drone attacks? He said NO, we should stop the terrorists where ever they are! (He was the one telling me about this just a little while ago.)

Will do and have done today in my regular prayers for the persecuted church all over the world. These types of attacks are going to increase all over the world against Christians...but the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.
In Asian Cuisene the black flesh of the Silky is very much prized. For flavor and percieved medicinal qualities. If there is an Asian Community in your area consider raising up Silkys.....

Silky Superfood

I found my little guys to be quite personable.... I dont care for fether footed birds either but these were OK. They had a conformation much like Bee's Silky.... and I would LOVE to have a partridge silky. Another role Silkys do for the flock is they are incredible broodies... Even the boys will warm up a chick if it needs it.


Oh, please don't call this little dust mop "Bee's Silkie".....
My farm cred just went down by 50%. I'm thinking I'm going to have to film his demise so that I can get my OT card back....the ladies on the processing thread are wanting to know how to kill silkies and that film would serve two purposes.
(Bee shuffles off to sharpen knives.....)
Will do and have done today in my regular prayers for the persecuted church all over the world.  These types of attacks are going to increase all over the world against Christians...but the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. 

Thank you Bee, and the rest of you praying for them. :)
Bee... you and mom could have wonderful dinner of roasted silkie (or whatever you do with them) and pickled balut (with hot sauce of course - like pig's feet). Ahh let's see... I would put a spinach salad with that and some baked green beans, lightly salted and tossed in olive oil. Yum! LOL
You guys, this is completely off topic but... Would you believers please say a prayer for the Christians in Pakistan? Especially the Christians in Peshawar, Pakistan. This past Sunday the Taliban did a suicide bombing at a church in Peshawar and about 125 Christians have died. They were bombed as they were leaving church. The Taliban did it because of the US drone attacks on them in the Peshawar area (on the border of Afghanistan). They have promised 300 more attacks on Christians. I asked my friend in Pakistan what he thought should be done, stop drone attacks? He said NO, we should stop the terrorists where ever they are! (He was the one telling me about this just a little while ago.)

oh man TW, will do! Thanx for telling us AND asking.
Quote: Its an insecticide...... A by product of the Orange Juice industry. also used as a cleaner. biodegradeable and smells good too.

Orange oil link

Interesting.... Does it last through rain, unlike DE?

I doubt it It would be for an infestation like fleas or ants you need to get under control. I think of DE as a reinforcement to keeping pests under control. Like OMG I left something ant worthy in the trash and look that the line of ants as far as you can see.... LOL. Works instantly confuses their little ant trails. We have ants year round here And fleas and flies..... Though because its so dry we dont get the biting flies

but the orange oil can be used in the yard and they even use it for termites.....

I doubt it It would be for an infestation like fleas or ants you need to get under control. I think of DE as a reinforcement to keeping pests under control. Like OMG I left something ant worthy in the trash and look that the line of ants as far as you can see.... LOL. Works instantly confuses their little ant trails. We have ants year round here And fleas and flies..... Though because its so dry we dont get the biting flies

but the orange oil can be used in the yard and they even use it for termites.....

It works for termites? Shout that from the mountains for anyone that has ever had them. When I was young we lived in an area that was so bad with termites that everyone built cinder block houses to try to combat it. Do you know how much it costs to tent a house for them? Back in the 80's it was over 5k. I can't even begin to think what it costs now and the problem stays in the yard meaning you have to retreat at some point. Plus you have the costs of the damage they cause.
Oh gosh.... I cant do it. Hed be all alone up there at the house. If I had my coop rebuilt I would take him in a nanosecond and any other boys you might want to rehome. I absolutely love roosters. Of course Id have to get em some hens too..... LOL

I lost my whole flock about six to eight weeks ago, to coyotes. My home is 60 miles east of San Diego in the High desert. I live in town with my 97 year old grandmother for the time being. I was driving 120 miles round trip twice a week to fill feeders make sure the waterers were still working. I use automatic water tubs because it keeps the water cooler and they constantly have about five gallons of water in them.

The well broke, and while I was waiting for the well guy to get the parts I had to turn my whole flock out in the yard so they could access water I was hauling in on my truck.... didnt work.

I have to pass the temptation. In the spring I hope to get the coop moved 75 feet east to where the water lines will be plumbed instead of having to rely on hundreds of feet of hose. At that time I will start up with Guinea Fowl again.... My horse Katee Wuvvs her Guineas..... she stands by their enclosure all day listening to them. Then I want Sumatras.... Black skinned birds by the way.... LOL. And then I will collect a few here and there because they need homes or are just too danged cute....

When I am done the coop will be more of a poultry house. Seven partitions and a work feed area. About 24 x 24 feet. And Yes I am planning on a Bachelor partition.


I found my little guys to be quite personable.... I dont care for fether footed birds either but these were OK. They had a conformation much like Bee's Silky.... and I would LOVE to have a partridge silky. Another role Silkys do for the flock is they are incredible broodies... Even the boys will warm up a chick if it needs it.


Oh, please don't call this little dust mop "Bee's Silkie".....
My farm cred just went down by 50%. I'm thinking I'm going to have to film his demise so that I can get my OT card back....the ladies on the processing thread are wanting to know how to kill silkies and that film would serve two purposes.
(Bee shuffles off to sharpen knives.....)


Yep.... Dont know were you are located but here in Southern California we have subterranean termites. they live in the ground and can eat right through concrete slabs if they find a crack..... They make an external tunnel from the ground up to where they can find a place to get in for the good stuff. So not only do you have to Treat the house you have to have poison pumped into the ground.

Google it and you will probably find an eco friendly pest control company in your area. I would not try to do it myself though. Those guys do a lot of climbing and crawling and know exactly where to find the little buggers.


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