Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

If somethin happened (peck injury?) And blood was drawn it could have been the other chickens :(
It's sad, must be frustrating not knowing. At least when w *know* we can try to prevent it.

I hope whatever it was is gone and all your chickies are ok :)
This was a week old chick in a coop with three other chicks and 10 adults. I don't know what would just get one chick like that.
HA! That's funny! My boyfriend "thought" he didn't like it too but since he can't handle store bought milk I made him some coconut chocolate ice cream with coconut milk a couple months ago. He didn't even want to try it but after I got him to taste a little he wanted a bowl then after that he took a container home with him. LOL I love coconut! Mix it with chocolate and ohhh my goodness! That ice cream was possibly the best ice cream I have ever tasted. It you could just get the texture right on homemade ice cream it would be wonderful.
If somethin happened (peck injury?) And blood was drawn it could have been the other chickens :(
It's sad, must be frustrating not knowing. At least when w *know* we can try to prevent it.

I hope whatever it was is gone and all your chickies are ok :)

Thanks. Nothing has bothered any of the rest of them. Yeah exactly, if you KNOW what is causing the problem you know better how to find a solution.
Look at this yellow egg that one of my chickens layed!!!

Juuuust kidding! -camera did that somehow. LOL Okay, make fun of me but I am sooo excited... One of my younger group has layed their first egg! :) It was either the ancona or a leghorn - leghorn I bet. They are 21 weeks old today. It is a pretty big first egg. It took my australorps and that crew a while to get the egg size uniform. This egg is almost as big as one of their eggs now.

...where's that Rose Marie, she will understand greenhorn excitement over an egg. lol
So, lost a pullet 2 days ago. Did a necropsy on the refridgerated body last night. Found large undigested fish meat pieces in her crop. Sour crop maybe? Couldn't find anything that looked like grit in there. Just soupy. Only thing that didn't look 'right' to me other than the mite issue that surfaced last week.

Anyone ever have a chicken that wouldn't eat grit? Guess she pulled herself out of the gene pool... Oh well. Her sister, the other Lav Orp, seems about as happy and chipper as a bird should be, so...

Anyway. Just noodling it over in my head and staring at my chickens wondering if there's anything else I'm missing. They have access to all sorts of grit sizes.
So, lost a pullet 2 days ago. Did a necropsy on the refridgerated body last night. Found large undigested fish meat pieces in her crop. Sour crop maybe? Couldn't find anything that looked like grit in there. Just soupy. Only thing that didn't look 'right' to me other than the mite issue that surfaced last week.

Anyone ever have a chicken that wouldn't eat grit? Guess she pulled herself out of the gene pool... Oh well. Her sister, the other Lav Orp, seems about as happy and chipper as a bird should be, so...

Anyway. Just noodling it over in my head and staring at my chickens wondering if there's anything else I'm missing. They have access to all sorts of grit sizes.

Sorry to hear that Aleta. I don't know but sounds like sour crop like you said. Did her gizzard have much grit in it?

I wonder how some baking soda in the drinking water would work for sour crop?
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